Alderton Village Newsletter - October 2024Note from Editor: We’ve just had some dreadful rainstorms in the last week of September. Sadly some houses on School Road and Blacksmiths Road had water come in on Thursday night. Thanks go to the team of stalwarts who cleared drains, offered pumps, brought buckets, sandbags and worked til the early hours ensuring everyone was safe. This is the wonderful community spirit of Alderton in action. Talking of community spirit…’s going to be Halloween at the end of the month. This is always a big event in Alderton and goes really smoothly. Our children have grown up knowing that a pumpkin display in windows/by a front door means the person inside is happy to be ‘Trick or Treated’. Don’t make your gangs too big, younger children need to be accompanied by adults and please wear reflective items and have torches. It is lovely seeing and hearing the children around the village out and enjoying themselves. Kids do be considerate though, some older people can feel very intimidated even if you don’t mean to. Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: Please do spread the word and check your friends and neighbours get it digitally or in paper format (from the church and village shop). 1. ALDERTON PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk: [email protected] Cyber Attack – a cyber attack has effectively taken down much of the Tewkesbury Borough website,including the planning site. This is being resolved but has affected progress with planning applications. Proposed New Development – Land south of Beckford Road [now 32 houses] Still waiting for some information. Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [ 48 houses] No further news. Awaiting start of construction. The Parish Council have established contact with the new landowner/developer. Proposed New Development – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [48 houses] Application for full planning permission still underway. Proposed New Development- Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] The Parish Council have submitted their objection Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [9 houses] This proposal [ just over the bridge] was refused in January. There is now an appeal which will be determined by an Inspector through written representations. The Parish Council will submit its objections. 24/00622/FUL – 20 Orchard Road, Alderton Replacement single garage for double garage with annex above with associated windows and rooflights. It is understood there will be a resubmission which will be available for comment. 24/00649/LBC -2 Church Road, Alderton Retrospective form of openings “A” and “B’” and stud partition and removal of two chimney breasts at ground and first floor (internal alterations). Old Village Shop Confirmation that a grant had been won of over £7K for repair and refurbishment of the old village shop. Flooding Report still awaited but a further meeting being arranged with County and Borough representatives. Some work has been undertaken on clearing drains/culverts. Allotments Following some concern a reminder will be issued to tenants that dogs need to be kept under control. Play Area Improvements Work is being undertaken to remould the mound following which the PlayArea will be fenced in. This may take place in the second and third weeks of October and will require the temporary closure of the Area. Playing Field Parking Complaints were discussed, from local residents, about parking associated with two football events. These will be discussed with the organisers. A46 It is understood that public consultation, organised by Gloucestershire County Council will take place starting in October on options for improving the link between the A46 and the M5 Geoff Agg The Parish Council would like to pay tribute to Geoff Agg who has died recently. For many years Geoff was Chairman of the Parish Council, working tirelessly for the benefit of the Village. Information about the Parish Council can be viewed on DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING at 7pm Tuesday 15 October 2024 in the Village Hall. 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWSWelcome to new residents, wherever you live in the village! This newsletter is published monthly and tells you what’s going on. The village website is at and on Facebook at We also have various WhatsApp groups:
To join the first two message Mark on 07973 963539 or email [email protected]. To join the chat and women’s group message Mary on 07826 019476 OAK HILL CE PRIMARY SCHOOL We've had a great start to the new academic year at Oak Hill. Already we are enjoying whole class violin lessons, in addition to our curriculum and we're looking forward to film trips, visits to Tewkesbury Abbey and museum and walks to St Margaret's Church. Next month some of the KS2 children will be enjoying residentials! Our open events are coming up - please spread the news far and wide: Open Morning - Tuesday 8th October 9.30-11.30am for all families looking for their children to join our wonderful school. Open Afternoon - Wednesday 16th October 3.30-5.00pm for anyone to come along. VILLAGE HALL NEWS [email protected] / [email protected] Our monthly Coffee Mornings continue on: October 5th with a Book Swap Café. Bring a book along to swap for a new one, and enjoy delicious cakes at the same time. 10-12noon. Everyone welcome. November 2nd – A return of our popular Canine Coffee Morning. Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome to join us for this coffee morning. Doggie treats available as well as our usual delicious selection of homemade cakes. December 21st – Christmas Café. Come along and join in singing Christmas carols with St Margaret’s Church choir. Also featuring the Alderton Belles, our very own village handbell ringers. Village Hall AGM The Village Hall AGM will be held in November. We would welcome any new volunteers who would like to come along and in particular we are looking for someone with IT skills to assist with keeping the Website and social media up to date. Please contact [email protected] if you would like more information. If you need any more details, contact Sian Tryner on 620906/07790 342157 [email protected] GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson/Tom Cullimore Another fabulous talk and turn out for the Alderton Gardening Club's September meeting. Our guest speaker was the hugely engaging and skilful Katherine Kear, who is a renowned folklore enthusiast and expert. She is also a Chelsea Gold Medal winning florist. Katherine talked to us about Autumn; its traditions, its folklore, as well as various sayings and how they came into being. Whilst delivering her talk she built flower by flower; foliage by foliage her two beautiful displays. The first was a vertical creation and the second was a horizontal one. Listening to our speaker is pure joy, she has such a conversational style of delivery, and you hang onto her every word. She effortlessly builds her displays like an accomplished batsman gradually accumulating runs in a big innings! After speaking for 70 minutes Katherine took several questions from our delighted audience who afterwards applauded her loudly. Both floral displays were included in our 9-prize raffle. Our speaker had to leave early as she is keeping an eye on an ill neighbour. Katherine Kear appears regularly on BBC Radio Gloucestershire. She is one of our most popular speakers and is keen to return to us in the future. Next month: Duncan Coombs Esteemed former Pershore College lecturer in decorative horticulture and a complete plantoholic.His talk will be on plants, shrubs and trees for autumn colour. Thursday 10th October All welcome 7pm for 7.30pm start. £3 members, £6 non-members ST MARGARET’S CHURCH Harvest Festival The Church was beautifully decorated with flower arrangements of autumnal colours in every window so thank you to all the flower arrangers who gave the flowers and their time to make them. We had an informal Harvest Songs of Praise led by Rev’d Michael Hand, singing some of the lovely harvest hymns. We listened to some Harvest poems by Laurie Lee and Seamus Heaney and extracts about Harvest from the Village Diary of Bertha Nind of Church Cottage, written in the 1900s. Dates for your dairy: Remembrance Sunday November 10th at 10.50 at the War Memorial and then afterwards at Church. Alderton’s Carol Service Sunday December 8th in St Margaret’s Church at 4pm. St Margaret’s Church Christmas Fair Saturday December 14th in the Village Hall from 2- 4pm. If you have any items for the Gift Stall or the Tombola, they would be very gratefully received. ALDERTON ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION Lyn Court The Produce Stall is now back in operation in the orchard, to the left of the track just inside the entrance. This is where plot holders place any surplus produce that they are happy to share. Everyone is welcome to pop in and see if there is anything they can use. We're aiming for zero waste this season! THE GARDENERS ARMS
Book a table: Serving tasty Sunday roasts all day every Sunday from 12pm to 7:30pm – including our famous roast lamb
26/10/1928 – 07/09/2024 Funeral will be held on Friday 4th October 2024 at St Margaret’s Church 11.30am On the way to the church, the hearse will be driven slowly down Willowbank Road, Beckford Road, School Road and Church Road as a mark of respect for all he did for the village of Alderton. As Tom Collimore wrote to me: “He was involved with the fundraising and planning for the new rebuilt Village Hall in the 1980s. Also his father and uncle were involved with the original wooden hall. Last year I found a newspaper article reporting of a fete held at the Old Rectory grounds. Amongst the attractions was a helter-skelter and in charge of it way back in 1938 was master G Agg aged about 9 then! He was Parish Council Chairman for 40 years and served on it for at least 50. He told me that he didn't miss one meeting. He was a School Governor, Church Warden, member of Arfa ( the playing field Committee) plus he used to be the auctioneer at the annual fundraising auction. Chairman of the Residents Association. The amazing thing is that he did all this and more but still managed to be Head of Department at the Technical College...and to keep that very large garden immaculate. Geoff’s dad and grandfather were both shop keepers and his father was a bootmaker, all in Alderton. They were both Parish Clerks. Geoff’s relative Reginald also died in World War One with the Glosters. Geoff was an absolute giant of Alderton community life." It would be very fitting if a road on one of the new estates to be built is named after the Agg family. ALDERTON CHARITY FOOTBALL MARRIEDS V SINGLES FOOTBALL, FRI DEC 27th 2024 – ALDERTON PLAYING FIELD, 11AM KICK OFF; IN THE GARDENERS AFTER THE MATCH. Once again, the brave, big-hearted Married People of Alderton will take to the field of play against the Single People of Alderton. The quality of the football isn’t great but the fundraising is – over the years the matches have raised over £25,000 for local and national charities. The match kicks off at 11am, with refreshments available and festivities to follow in the Gardeners. This year we’re fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support. Fantastic football skills aren’t required and both male and female players over 16 are welcome. If you’d like to play let Rupert know at [email protected] 4. WHAT'S ON
Alderton Newsletter contributions to [email protected] Next newsletter deadline 28/10/24 Comments are closed.
February 2025