Alderton Village Newsletter - September 2024It feels as if Autumn has been with us for a while already. Fingers crossed for an ‘Indian Summer’ but it’s not looking hugely likely as I write this on Bank Holiday Monday… The start of term is shortly upon us and I hope everyone is looking forward to a new academic year (not just the exhausted parents of the village!) The Village Show is this month, so I hope everyone is nurturing their marrows, boiling their jam and creating their masterpieces. The brochure for the show is on the end of this newsletter. Apologies for the teeny tiny What’s On further afield….I couldn’t track much down! Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: Please do spread the word and check your friends and neighbours get it digitally or in paper format (from the church and village shop). 1. ALDERTON PARISH COUNCIL NEWSProposed New Development – Land south of Beckford Road [now 32houses]
This may go to the October Tewkesbury Borough Planning Committee meeting. Thank you to the 96 villagers who have commented. There is still an opportunity to comment. The easiest way is via the Tewkesbury Borough Planning website. Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [ 48 houses] No further news. Awaiting start of construction. Proposed New Development – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [48 houses] The archaeological dig is effectively complete. There were findings from Saxon times. A final report is awaited. Details of the application for full Planning Permission are now on the Tewkesbury Planning website [ 24/00655/APP] and are available for comment. Two key documents are the Planning Statement and the Statement of Community Involvement. Proposed New Development- Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] There have been no further developments. A number of reports are still missing. The Parish Council is due to make its Objection later in August.102 comments have been received. Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [9 houses] This proposal [ just over the bridge] was refused in January. There is now an appeal which will be determined by an Inspector through written representations. |
December 2024