Alderton Village Newsletter - October 2024Note from Editor: We’ve just had some dreadful rainstorms in the last week of September. Sadly some houses on School Road and Blacksmiths Road had water come in on Thursday night. Thanks go to the team of stalwarts who cleared drains, offered pumps, brought buckets, sandbags and worked til the early hours ensuring everyone was safe. This is the wonderful community spirit of Alderton in action. Talking of community spirit…’s going to be Halloween at the end of the month. This is always a big event in Alderton and goes really smoothly. Our children have grown up knowing that a pumpkin display in windows/by a front door means the person inside is happy to be ‘Trick or Treated’. Don’t make your gangs too big, younger children need to be accompanied by adults and please wear reflective items and have torches. It is lovely seeing and hearing the children around the village out and enjoying themselves. Kids do be considerate though, some older people can feel very intimidated even if you don’t mean to. Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: Please do spread the word and check your friends and neighbours get it digitally or in paper format (from the church and village shop). 1. ALDERTON PARISH COUNCIL
Parish Clerk: [email protected] Cyber Attack – a cyber attack has effectively taken down much of the Tewkesbury Borough website,including the planning site. This is being resolved but has affected progress with planning applications. Proposed New Development – Land south of Beckford Road [now 32 houses] Still waiting for some information. Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [ 48 houses] No further news. Awaiting start of construction. The Parish Council have established contact with the new landowner/developer. Proposed New Development – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [48 houses] Application for full planning permission still underway. Proposed New Development- Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] The Parish Council have submitted their objection Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [9 houses] This proposal [ just over the bridge] was refused in January. There is now an appeal which will be determined by an Inspector through written representations. The Parish Council will submit its objections. 24/00622/FUL – 20 Orchard Road, Alderton Replacement single garage for double garage with annex above with associated windows and rooflights. It is understood there will be a resubmission which will be available for comment. 24/00649/LBC -2 Church Road, Alderton Retrospective form of openings “A” and “B’” and stud partition and removal of two chimney breasts at ground and first floor (internal alterations). |
February 2025