Alderton Village Newsletter - November 2024Note from Editor: Well, the clocks have gone back and despite it being an unseasonably pleasant weekend weatherwise, it’s now dark at 5pm. It’s half term and Halloween week so just use the Alderton Code….Pumpkin and lights (or similar) outside = treats at the door. As our population has grown massively in the last few years hopefully the streets will be full of children in fancy dress having a great time. Torches and reflective clothes for safety please. Bonfire night will bring fire and explosions, so check for nesting hedgehogs before lighting up and PLEASE tell neighbours if you are having fireworks. Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up Please DO spread the word and check your friends and neighbours get it digitally or in paper format (from the church and shop). 1. ALDERTON PARISH COUNCIL
Parish Clerk: [email protected] CYBER ATTACK – TEWKESBURY COUNCIL WEBSITE This has now been resolved. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENTS LAND SOUTH OF BECKFORD ROAD [NOW 32 HOUSES] 24/00393/OUT Still waiting for some information. The Parish Council have submitted additional material to add to their objection. Submission to Planning Committee delayed. LAND BEHIND 52-74 WILLOW BANK ROAD [ 48 HOUSES] 2400801/FUL The new owners, OWL Homes, have proposed some changes to the original proposal. These are available for comment. LAND EAST OF ST MARGARET’S DRIVE [48 HOUSES] 24/00655/APP, 24/00129CONDIS, 24/00678/DEM Application for full planning permission still underway. This is covered by three applications available for comment. LAND SOUTH OF DIBDEN LANE [ 26 AFFORDABLE HOUSES] 23/00204//FUL The Parish Council have submitted their objection. LAND WEST OF WILLOW BANK ROAD [9 HOUSES] 23//01148/PIP This proposal [ just over the bridge] was refused in January. There is now an appeal which will be determined by an Inspector through written representations. The Parish Council have submitted a Statement of Case. ALTERATIONS TO GARDENERS ARMS 24/00753/FUL, 4/00754/LBC PROPOSED EXTENSION TO A DETACHED GARAGE AND A SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION. 24/00733/FUL |
February 2025