Alderton Village Newsletter - February 2025Well, it’s been pretty wet this year so far hasn’t it? Apologies for no newsletter last month…I fully intended to do one, but had all sorts of problems with my internet/electrics. Sadly this is my last newsletter. I am heading off to pastures new (actually old!) and handing the reins over to Mark Watts-Jones. Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: 1. PARISH COUNCIL / [email protected] Planning Updates Proposed Development – Land south of Beckford Road [now 32 houses] 24/00393/OUT Still waiting for some information. The Parish Council will submit additional material to add to their objection. Awaiting confirmation when application will go to Planning Committee. Proposed Development – Land Behind 52-74 Willow Bank Road [ 48 houses] 2400801/FUL Changes from original proposal to be considered by the Borough Council. The Parish Council have commented. Proposed Development – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [48 houses] 24/00655/APP, 24/00129CONDIS, 24/00678/DEM Application for Reserved Matters approved. Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [9 houses] 23//01148/PIP This proposal [just over the bridge] is the subject of an appeal. All statements have been submitted and we await the appeal decision in due course. Change of Use - 24/01053/FUL Gilders Yard, Gretton Fields, Gretton, change of use from mixed commercial use to residential. DEVOLUTION The Government has published a white paper advocating removing district councils in favour of unitary authorities, combining the role of a borough and a county council. FLOODING A helpful report has now been received proposing measures of natural flood management on the hill to restrict the flow of water downstream – “slow the flow”. Discussions have started with Dumbleton Estate about the various ways of achieving this. Further discussion with interested parties are scheduled for the February or March meetings. Gloucestershire Highways have reported that all culverts for which they are responsible have been inspected. Where culverts are in private land the owner is responsible for any necessary clearance. The Parish Council has secured a supply of empty sandbags which can be made available now toaffected properties. The aim is to be able to fill from a supply of sand at a designated point in the village. ROAD CLOSURES Notification has been received about road closures affecting Willow Bank Road from 27 to 31 January and 24 February to 14 March. The extent of the closures is not yet clear. DEFIBRILLATORS The possibility of a third defibrillator in the southern part of the village is being investigated. Don’t forget the existing defibrillators at Cambridge Square and the Playing Field. Full instructions on use are available on site. Just take your mobile phone. NEW FENCE BY SCHOOL PLAYING FIELD This has been erected. OLD VILLAGE SHOP IN ALLOTMENTS Renovation work is due to commence. NEWSLETTER The Parish Council would like to thank Mary for all her work and enthusiasm in publishing the monthly newsletter. Information about the Parish Council can be viewed on DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: at 7pm Tuesday 18 February 2025 in the Village Hall. Information about the Parish Council can be viewed on 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWSWelcome to any new residents, wherever you live in the village. This newsletter is published monthly and tells you what’s going on. The village website is at and on Facebook at We also have WhatsApp groups:
To join the first two message Mark on 07973 963539 or email [email protected]. To join the chat and women’s group message Mary on 07826 019476 VILLAGE HALL NEWS [email protected] / [email protected] COFFEE MORNINGS Our monthly café/coffee mornings are held on the first Saturday of each month from 10-12. Everyone is welcome to come along and join us for fresh coffee, tea or hot chocolate and try out our delicious homemade cakes made by the Village Hall volunteers. Come along on your own or meet up with friends. February 1st – Jigsaw Swap Cafe. Bring along a jigsaw you have finished with to swap for a new one. During the morning there will be a shared jigsaw challenge. Can we complete a 500-piece jigsaw during the morning? March 1st – Book Swap Café. Have you read a good book recently? Bring it along to exchange for a new one. April 5th – In addition to the normal refreshments and cakes, Alderton GardeningClub have arranged for 3 plant suppliers to come along with plants to sell ready for our spring planting season. We are looking for villagers who would be interested in having a table/stall at our monthly Village Hall coffee mornings to sell your products or promote your business. This could be an opportunity to introduce yourself to the Alderton community and all we ask in return is a prize for the raffle. There will be no other cost. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please contact Sian on 07790 342157 GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson/Tom Cullimore For our first meeting in 2025 we welcomed Alun and Jill Whitehead, who have owned the 3-acre Aulden farm garden, in Herefordshire, for 30 years. They open it to the public several times each under the NGS scheme. The garden has recently housed the national collection of Iris Sibirica. Alun and Jill delivered a superbly well illustrated talk and informed on the varieties of beardless Irises, many of which they grow. Many of the photographs were taken at home and the chosen locations and planting combinations gave our audience much food for thought. Beardless irises are a very versatile genus of plant with so many different types providing quite stunning blooms throughout the year. Alun and Jill talked about their propagation, growing requirements and uses. They are a couple completely in love with their subject matter! There are so many options for these versatile plants, whether grown in water margins, borders, rockeries or even pots. This talk provided us with a real eye opener to their appeal and usefulness. Chairman Tom updated the audience of 55 + with the latest club news. This year's AGM has been set for 6th of March in the village hall starting at 7p.m. A plant sale will take place on Saturday the 5th of April with a coffee and cake morning between 10 a.m. and 1p.m, more details to follow. Over a fifth of the tickets for our special guest Pippa Greenwood's visit in June have been sold already. These are still available solely to members who renew or join in January priced at £10. Non-member’s tickets will go on sale from February onwards priced at £15 each. It was also encouraging to see so many renewing their membership and joining for the first time! Google Alderton Gardening club and click onto the membership link for details. Next month on the 13th of February we welcome the head gardener of Blenheim Palace Andrew Mills who will be giving us a talk about the transformation of the gardens there. Alderton Village Hall, doors open just before 7p.m for a 7.30p.m start. £3 for members; £6 non-members. OAK HILL SCHOOL Alison Sharkey & Robyn Ball FAREWELL We said goodbye to our Chair of Governors Victoria Leather - she has poured her heart and soul into Oak Hill, and we are extremely grateful for all of her time and effort. Now she has moved down to Kent, she has decided to step down as our Chair of Governors but has promised to keep in touch and said "Oak Hill will always be our school." NEW FACES We have held open events and a series of school tours for potential new pupils. We have received positive feedback, new pupils have started and we look forward to even more joining us here at our amazing school. TRIPS GALORE! Years 1 and 2 visited Tewkesbury Museum with Revd Hook to learn about Raymond Priestley - an Antarctic explorer - they got to see some of his belongings that are displayed. They went to Tewkesbury Abbey and had a tour from a vicar who told the group about the beautiful paintings. There was particular excitement to meet the dogs, Eric and Flo who work at the Abbey! Years 5 and 6 went to Georgeham for their residential trip and had a wonderful time learning and honing activity skills – rock pooling and scrambling, surfing, abseiling, bike riding, fencing, archery, a night walk, to name a few, and even ice cream treats! Year 4 went on our first Primary QuEST joint residential to Viney Hill – learning new skills with new friends – some very tired children returned after the 3-day trip. Years 1 and 2 also enjoyed a trip to see Inside Out 2 with other Primary QuEST schools. Reception, Years 1 and 2 also ventured out to All Things Wild, financially supported by our amazing FOOHS team – thank you. FESTIVE FUN We have held fundraising activities for our chosen charity – Vale Wildlife Hospital, plus Christmas lunch, Christmas crafts day and, of course the Nativity performances and carol concert – December has been jam-packed. We hope you enjoy the seasonal spirit and that you all have had a wonderful Christmas! EXCITING FUTURE We have begun working closer with Alderton Acorns, who will be joining us regularly once a week to use the various facilities the school has to offer. FOOHs are working with school to raise money to improve the D.T. facilities within school including buying a cooker, dishwasher and other food preparation equipment – all ideas and funds welcome. ALDERTON ACORNS ST MARGARET’S CHURCH MUSIC FROM THE MUSICALS - SATURDAY MARCH 8TH, 6.30PM FOR 7PM TILL 9PM, ST MARGARET’S CHURCH This is being held jointly between Great Washbourne and Alderton Churches to raise money for their maintenance. The theme is Music from the Musicals sung by a Cheltenham group of singers called Music to Delight. Tickets are £10 to include canapés and are available from Karen Cox 07887 597792, Jane Kent 07711 623017, Sarah Hughes 07989 048123 and Helen West 07941 373030. There will be a paying bar. OAK HILL PRIMARY SCHOOL FOUNDATION GOVERNOR Oak Hill Primary School is looking for a person to become a Foundation Governor (now named ‘Local Advisors’) following the retirement of the person who has held the post for two successive terms. You need to have some connection with a Church as the school is a Church of England School. It is a rewarding position to be able to support our Village Primary School and Governors/Local Advisors are welcomed as valued members of the team and play a vital role in ensuring the local advisory board is aware of the views of parents and the local community. If you are interested or for more details, please contact Rev’d Julia Hook: [email protected] or 07715 953076. PRE-ENJOYED BOOKS There are a wide selection of genres available in Church to buy at 50p each – paperback or hardback. Many of them are in the Church porch but there are also some at the back of the Church. Money can be placed in the wall safe just inside the Church. THE GARDENERS ARMS
3. ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISCELLANEOUSMARY MERHEIM Thank you to everyone who has supported the newsletter since I took it over. It’s been great being amongst old friends and making new ones for the last three years. Join me at The Gardener’s Arms so I can say ‘goodbye’ to all of you before I head across to Suffolk! Saturday 22nd February. 7pm onwards with Karaoke after 8.30pm…..start practicing in the shower now!! 4. WHAT'S ON?6th – 8th Tewkesbury Winter Ales Festival
14th Cheltenham Farmers Market 14th – 20th Lambing at Cotswold Farm Park 17th – 22nd The Rocky Horror Show, Everyman Theatre 28th Cheltenham Farmers Market Comments are closed.
February 2025