Alderton Village Newsletter - September 2024It feels as if Autumn has been with us for a while already. Fingers crossed for an ‘Indian Summer’ but it’s not looking hugely likely as I write this on Bank Holiday Monday… The start of term is shortly upon us and I hope everyone is looking forward to a new academic year (not just the exhausted parents of the village!) The Village Show is this month, so I hope everyone is nurturing their marrows, boiling their jam and creating their masterpieces. The brochure for the show is on the end of this newsletter. Apologies for the teeny tiny What’s On further afield….I couldn’t track much down! Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: Please do spread the word and check your friends and neighbours get it digitally or in paper format (from the church and village shop). 1. ALDERTON PARISH COUNCIL NEWSProposed New Development – Land south of Beckford Road [now 32houses] This may go to the October Tewkesbury Borough Planning Committee meeting. Thank you to the 96 villagers who have commented. There is still an opportunity to comment. The easiest way is via the Tewkesbury Borough Planning website. Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [ 48 houses] No further news. Awaiting start of construction. Proposed New Development – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [48 houses] The archaeological dig is effectively complete. There were findings from Saxon times. A final report is awaited. Details of the application for full Planning Permission are now on the Tewkesbury Planning website [ 24/00655/APP] and are available for comment. Two key documents are the Planning Statement and the Statement of Community Involvement. Proposed New Development- Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] There have been no further developments. A number of reports are still missing. The Parish Council is due to make its Objection later in August.102 comments have been received. Proposed New Development – Land West of Willow Bank Road [9 houses] This proposal [ just over the bridge] was refused in January. There is now an appeal which will be determined by an Inspector through written representations. 24/00513/FUL -20 St Margarets Road, Alderton Proposed single storey rear extension and remodelled front porch. 24/00647/FUL– 2 The Paddocks Bungalow, Gretton Fields Erection of a single storey rear extension and glazed entrance porch. 24/00606/FUL - Greystones, 6-8 Beckford Road, Alderton Erection of detached summer house ancillary to existing dwelling. 24/00652/FUL – 5 Blacksmiths Road, Alderton Proposed single storey rear extension. 24/00622/FUL – 20 Orchard Road, Alderton Replacement single garage for double garage with annex above with associated windows and rooflights. Flooding- Report still awaited Allotment Inspections – a report was received and actions agreed. Help from Gloucestershire County Council is being sought on tree planting along the western boundary of the new allotment plots. School Playing Field – the Parish Council are looking to establish a Community Right to Buy. A46 – it is understood that public consultation will take place in autumn on options for improving the link between the A46 and the M5 Information about the Parish Council can be viewed on DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING at 7pm Tuesday 17 September 2024 in the Village Hall. 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWSWelcome to new residents, wherever you live in the village! This newsletter is published monthly and tells you what’s going on. The village website is at and on Facebook at We also have various WhatsApp groups:
To join the first two message Mark on 07973 963539 or email [email protected]. To join the chat and women’s group message Mary on 07826 019476 GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS Karen Cox / 01242 620633 Many thanks to all who came to support us at the Washbourne Summer Supper at end of June. We had a lovely evening and raised £1356 in aid of church funds. St Mary’s will be hosting a Café church 'All Age Service' for the four parishes on Sunday 29th September - do join us at 10.30am for a relaxed breakfast and very informal service in the church; everyone is welcome. Harvest Festival will be held at the church on Sunday 20th October at 6pm. A bring and share harvest supper will follow to which everyone is invited, please put the date in your diary. VILLAGE HALL NEWS [email protected] / [email protected] COFFEE MORNINGS September – No coffee morning on the first Saturday of this month, but why not come along on Sunday 8th Sept from 1pm to view the winning exhibits at the Village Show? Tea, coffee and cakes available. October 5th – Coffee morning to include a Book Swap Café. Bring a book along to swap for a new one. November 2nd – A return of our popular Canine Coffee Morning. Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome to join us for this coffee morning. Dog treats available as well as our usual delicious selection of homemade cakes. December 21st – Christmas Cafe featuring the Alderton Belles, our village handbell ringers and lots of Christmas cheer. Alderton Village Show Sunday 8th September 2024 The show is fast approaching so now is the time to think about getting your entries in. Maybe you have grown the winning tomatoes or potatoes, or is that craft item you finished over the summer ready to enter? Is your jam delicious or have you taken a photo to make the judges laugh? We are hoping for more entries from the youngsters of the village this year, so why not spend the last few days of the holiday making something to enter. Children’s entries are free. Entry forms and schedules are available from the shop, the allotment notice board and on the Alderton Village website. Please make sure all your entry forms are delivered to Sian at 28 Beckford Road by 8pm on Saturday 7th September. On the morning of the show, doors open to exhibitors at 8:30am and judging begins at 10:30am. Viewing admission to the hall is from 1pm and it is FREE to come along and view the exhibits with the Presentation of Trophies and Prizes at 2.30pm. Do come along and see what a talented community we have in Alderton. Refreshments will be on sale. If you need any more details, contact Sian Tryner on 620906/07790 342157 [email protected] GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson/Tom Cullimore Alderton Gardening Club recently hosted Margie Hoffnung, a professional gardener and Conservation Officer for the Gardens Trust, who shared insights into her career and experiences working with the late Rosemary Verey, a renowned garden designer. Mrs. Verey, despite having no formal horticultural training, became a celebrated figure in the gardening world. After marrying at 20 and raising four children, she began redesigning the gardens at her home, Barnsley House, near Cirencester. Her natural talent led to commissions from wealthy garden owners, and she eventually authored 14 gardening books and lectured globally. Notably, Mrs. Verey was personally invited by Prince Charles to help design the Cottage Garden at Highgrove, and she also worked on Sir Elton John's estate, forming close friendships with both. Margie Hoffnung, who worked with Mrs. Verey for 11 years, illustrated her talk with photographs of Verey's garden plans and projects. Margie initially sought employment with Mrs. Verey, was rejected, but later invited to join her team at Barnsley House. Margie expressed pride in her association with Mrs. Verey and shared stories from her time at Highgrove and her current role as a Conservation Officer, as well as her aspirations to start a cut flower nursery. The meeting concluded with club announcements, including a plant fair scheduled for May and a discount deal at a local nursery. The garden voucher winner was Sian Tryner for her newsletter photos, and a raffle was held by committee member Bev Lewis. The evening ended with a vote of thanks for Margie's talk, recognizing Rosemary Verey as a trailblazer in horticulture. The event saw over 50 attendees, including new visitors. Next month: "Autumn Folklore, Garden Lore and Flower Design.” Katherine Kear, a regular on BBC Radio Gloucestershire, Chelsea Gold medal winning florist Thursday 12th September All welcome 7pm for 730pm start. £3 members, £6 non-members OAK HILL CE PRIMARY SCHOOL At Oak Hill, we're looking forward to a new year with new faces across the years at Oak Hill with, of course, the new Reception group intake. On top of the usual events, we have visits planned with the Cats Protection League and the archaeology team from the local archaeological excavations, which are ongoing. We already have the regular residential trip to St George's House in the calendar for the year 5s and 6s plus a new 2-night local residential for the year 4s for the Autumn Term. Additionally, we have a trip to Young Voices in early 2025 for the Key Stage 2 children - this is a wonderful event and hopefully the practice sessions will ring out across the village. It's looking like a great start to the new academic year. ST MARGARET’S CHURCH HARVEST SONGS OF PRAISE Will be in Church on Sunday September 22nd at 10.30am. This will be a relaxed service where we will be singing favourite harvest songs and listening to Harvest readings. There is a list in Church of the Harvest Hymns so if you would like to choose one, do put your name against it. The Church will also be decorated for Harvest so if you can’t make the service, do go into Church to see them - the Church is open in the day. OLYMPIC FLOWER FESTICAL, SUMMER FAIR AND GIFT DAY Held on July 27th made a brilliant total of £2,621. This will be so useful as we keep on maintaining the Church after its five yearly inspection and paying for all the usual costs like we all have for our homes such as insurance, utilities, mowing machines! Thank you to all who ran stalls, helped on the day and to everyone who came to support us. THE GARDENERS ARMS SUNDAY LUNCH OFFER
THE C WORD! We are taking bookings for Christmas 2024! Christmas Day and Christmas Party menus available.
QUIZ NIGHT…. Every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Jeremy Clarkson’s Hawkstone Cider on tap £4.95 a pint, Hawkstone Lager coming very soon! REGULAR INFORMATION
To make any reservation please contact us on 01242 620257. Or book a table online at ALDERTON ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION Lyn Court The Produce Stall is now back in operation in the orchard, to the left of the track just inside the entrance. This is where plot holders place any surplus produce that they are happy to share. Everyone is welcome to pop in and see if there is anything they can use. We're aiming for zero waste this season. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISCELLANEOUSWENDY BOWLES AND FAMILY I cannot find the right words to THANK each and every one of you: family, Neighbours, Friends (old and new ones) for the beautiful flowers, gifts of homemade treats and the lovely cards with messages enclosed about your feelings for Malcolm. He would be overwhelmed, but very touched by the love and kindness shown to me and our family. Our village of ALDERTON has always had a caring community, during happy times and sad, long may it continue now and in the future. Once again a very sincere THANK YOU. Love to all, X THANK YOU LAND ON RCHARD ROAD, COMMUNITY ORCHARD? The residents of Orchard Road have been notified by the owners of the paddock behind Nos. 2-16 that they wish to sell it. We have been given the opportunity to purchase the paddock before it is advertised on the open market. Some residents in Orchard Road are interested but are unable to meet the asking price. We would like to open this opportunity up to the wider community to stop the prospect of any development and use it for the community in some way. If you are interested please email Paul Woodman at [email protected] with your mobile number and I will add you to the WhatsApp group we have set-up and give you more details. We will need a response by Sunday 11th August as we have been given a deadline by the current owners. Thank You Paul Woodman NEXT GREEN FIELDS TRUST GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE, 30TH SEPTEMBER 2024 Green Fields Trust ( on behalf of Alderton Solar Farm Limited have funded numerous projects within Alderton and Gretton over the last few years; solar panels on the playing field changing rooms, energy efficient lighting in the village hall, outdoor and environmental education projects for Oak Hill School and Alderton Acorns and water butts and compost bays for the allotment committee. In Gretton we have recently funded a solar battery system on the school. You see the sort of thing and there has been a huge range of scale and ambition in applications. We expect to have something in excess of £6k come September to give you a rough idea of the funding available every year! We encourage funding applications representing novel projects / installations which are making significant contributions to funding objectives over and above replacement and maintenance of existing assets. The next funding application deadline is 30th September 2024 - go to the website for more information and application forms. 4. WHAT’S ON?2nd – 8th Katherine Parr week at Sudeley Castle 6th – 15th Heritage Open Days 27th, 28th, 29th Malvern Autumn Show Alderton Newsletter contributions to [email protected]
Next newsletter deadline 28/09/24 Comments are closed.
February 2025