A - South of Beckford Road 2014
Applicant: Charles Church Homes
Location: Land At Beckford Road Alderton
Development: 47 houses
Appeal decision date: 22 May 2014
Application reference: 13/00114/FUL
Proposal: Residential development comprising 47 dwellings, site infrastructure, landscape buffer and with access to be gained off Beckford Road.
Status: Permission granted on appeal.
Location: Land At Beckford Road Alderton
Development: 47 houses
Appeal decision date: 22 May 2014
Application reference: 13/00114/FUL
Proposal: Residential development comprising 47 dwellings, site infrastructure, landscape buffer and with access to be gained off Beckford Road.
Status: Permission granted on appeal.
View full application on Tewkesbury Borough Council planning portal
A comprehensive set of documents from the planning applications and appeal can be found on Tewkesbury Borough Council planing portal:
Planning Inspectors Appeal Decision
Charles Church Appeal Decision May14 by Mark Watts-Jones on Scribd