Home > Planning > Alderton Planning Application Map > J - Land to the South of Shakespeare Close and Beckford Road
J - Land to the South of Shakespeare Close and Beckford Road
Current planning application
Status: This is a proposed development of 35 houses south of Shakespeare Close and Beckford Road behind the Charles Church development. Communication from Bruton Knowles, acting on behalf of the developer OBK Land and Planning, has been restricted to neighbouring properties. We await a planning application and will notify villagers when we hear.
Applicant: Bruton Knowles On behalf of OBK Land and Planning
Location: Land to the South of Shakespeare Close and Beckford Road
Development: 35 houses
Application date: None yet
Location: Land to the South of Shakespeare Close and Beckford Road
Development: 35 houses
Application date: None yet
Flyer from Bruton Knowles on behalf of OBK Land & Planning
The Proposal for Land on the South side of Beckford Road, Alderton
On behalf of OBK Land and Planning, a scheme for the erection of 35 dwellings and associated works is proposed on Land South of Beckford Road to help provide a mix of new 2, 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings (including bungalows) to the area. As part of the proposal, affordable housing will be provided to meet the local needs as prescribed by Tewksbury Borough Council.
On behalf of OBK Land and Planning, a scheme for the erection of 35 dwellings and associated works is proposed on Land South of Beckford Road to help provide a mix of new 2, 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings (including bungalows) to the area. As part of the proposal, affordable housing will be provided to meet the local needs as prescribed by Tewksbury Borough Council.
Flyer sent to neighbouring properties
The Proposal for Land on the South side of Beckford Road, Alderton
Alderton is identified as a settlement for housing growth within the Joint Core Strategy, the Tewksbury Borough Local Plan and the Alderton Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) which collectively form the Development Plan for the area.
(Editor's note: Alderton is NOT identified as a settlement for housing growth within the Alderton Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
The proposal, as shown on the concept plan provides for:
The design to be adopted will recognise the local characteristics of the village and build on them and enhance the recent development immediately to the North, constructed by Charles Church and Persimmon Homes.
It is our opinion that the site is readily deliverable and is located adjacent to the existing settlement boundary and has no major physical constraints and is the most appropriate location for additional development in Alderton.
We would like residents to have their say on the initial draft layout prepared and would like to understand any key issues that are pertinent to the site and to the surrounding area. Enclosed with this flyer is a questionnaire that can either be completed online or returned via post.
(Editor's note: Alderton is NOT identified as a settlement for housing growth within the Alderton Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
The proposal, as shown on the concept plan provides for:
- A development of around 35 dwellings
A range and mix of family homes including starter homes, smaller family homes and bungalows to meet local housing needs, as identified in the NDP - The provision of a mix of affordable housing to meet local needs
- Utilising an existing and established access into the site off Beckford Road
- Car parking to be provided for each dwelling
- An on site central area of open space/ village green which will provide a focal point and sense of place for this housing scheme
- An extension to the village's allotment area
Tree planting and native hedgerow planting throughout the site with additional biodiversity enhancements - Implementing a sensitive and bespoke design approach appropriate to this location and setting
The design to be adopted will recognise the local characteristics of the village and build on them and enhance the recent development immediately to the North, constructed by Charles Church and Persimmon Homes.
It is our opinion that the site is readily deliverable and is located adjacent to the existing settlement boundary and has no major physical constraints and is the most appropriate location for additional development in Alderton.
We would like residents to have their say on the initial draft layout prepared and would like to understand any key issues that are pertinent to the site and to the surrounding area. Enclosed with this flyer is a questionnaire that can either be completed online or returned via post.