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Alderton Gardening Club
Welcome to Alderton Gardening Club - a friendly village Gardening club meeting monthly to listen to speakers, share ideas and exchange gardening tips
Next Meeting: Thursday 13th March
Folklore and Legends associated with plants - Adrian James
7pm for a 7.30p.m start in Alderton Village Hall.
£3 for members; £6 non-members.
All welcome!
About Us
Alderton Gardening Club welcomes new members. Meetings will be held on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Both members and non-members are very welcome. The club welcomes everyone whatever their level of gardening knowledge. You can contact the Chairman Tom Cullimore by clicking the link or by texting him on 07772965124.
The 2024 Programme is available at the next meeting or see it here.
Do have a look at the Alderton Gardening Club Facebook page – and perhaps post a picture or ask a question. Just Google ‘Facebook Alderton Gardening Club’ and it will come up – if you are not a Facebook user you will need to join, follow the online instructions.