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Alderton allotments
Alderton has benefitted from allotments since the early part of the last century. Allotment plots are rented by local residents from the Parish Council.
Plots can be used for the cultivation of fruit, vegetables and flowers for domestic consumption, as well as (on the larger plots) the keeping of chickens. The site is a hive of activity from Spring through to Autumn, when the growing season slows down before becoming relatively quiet during the winter.
Plots can be used for the cultivation of fruit, vegetables and flowers for domestic consumption, as well as (on the larger plots) the keeping of chickens. The site is a hive of activity from Spring through to Autumn, when the growing season slows down before becoming relatively quiet during the winter.
Plot holders range from young families introducing children to the joys of planting seed and seeing it grow, right through to older retired members of the village who have a wealth of knowledge to share. There is a strong community spirit on the allotments. Practical help is always on hand for new plot holders setting up for the first time. Plants and produce change hands when one person has a surplus and another doesn’t!
All plot holders are members of the Alderton Allotments Association, which is affiliated to the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners, and exists to act in the best interest of all its members. The AAA runs the practical side of things: organising insurance, maintaining shared equipment, and managing communal areas. It holds an Annual General Meeting in February each year and, most importantly, organises social activities on site when the weather permits. The site contains a range of sizes of plot, suiting everyone from the novice gardener to the experienced. If you are interested in taking on a plot, please contact the Parish Council by email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you on site! Nick Andrews Chairman, Alderton Allotment Association |
For information about the waiting list/obtaining a plotIf you are interested in taking on a plot, please contact the Parish Council by email on [email protected]. |