H - Land Parcel 0088 to the East of Willow Bank Road 2022
Now known as Cala Homes, Alder Green, Alderton, Gloucestershire
Applicant: Cala Homes
Location: Land On The South Side Of Dibden Lane Alderton Tewkesbury Gloucestershire Development: 28 houses Application date: 6 Sep 2019 Ref: 19/00772/FUL Proposal: Residential development up to 28 units, including means of access and landscaping. Status: Permission granted on appeal. |
View full application on Tewkesbury Borough Council planning portal
A comprehensive set of documents from the planning applications and appeal can be found on Tewkesbury Borough Council planing portal:
Planning Inspectorate Appeal Decision
Cala Homes have taken remedial action on their site to manage flooding but the primary flooding is on the road outside their development by the small bridge.
Community Consultation
Residents not in favour of development
89% |
Disagree with design and layout
86% |
105 people attended the public consultation event. A total of 70 feedback forms were received at the event. A further 15 comments were sent via the online contact form on the CALA Homes website and via postal address. 89% of people were NOT in favour of the development, 82% strongly disagreed that this development would provide much needed affordable housing and 82% strongly disagreed with the design and layout of CALA's proposed development.
Themes raised in the feedback included comments on:
Themes raised in the feedback included comments on:
- Alderton already being overdeveloped
- Impact on local infrastructure, highways
- Access and flooding and drainage.