Alderton's NDP - Regulation 14 Consultation
The Regulation 14 Consultation was the first formal consultation stage on Alderton’s NDP that ran from 4th January 2016 to 4th March 2016 under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). The Regulation 16 Consultation version is available for comment starting from 18th September to 2017 and ending at 5pm on 30th October 2017.
Foreword to the Alderton NDP from Keith Page Chair, Alderton Parish Council
Welcome to the Consultation Draft of the Alderton Neighbourhood Development Plan (ANDP) in which we set out our vision and objectives for our Parish up to 2031 and the policies we have developed to deliver them. The ANDP has been produced by the ANDP Group in conjunction with Alderton Parish Council. It is the outcome of a three-year period of developmental consultation which has included formal presentations and exhibitions, focus group activities and household surveys as well as guidance from statutory consultees, Tewkesbury Borough Council and planning experts.
To download a copy of the Regulation 14 Consultation Alderton NDP please click the link below:
The Plan’s policies, which we feel are both progressive and protective where necessary, cover the areas identified as important by local residents: Housing, Local Character, Landscape and Environment, Leisure and Recreation, Local Economy and Roads and Paths. All activities leading up to this point have been communicated through the Alderton newsletter and website, keeping community interest strong during the development process, so we can truly say that the ANDP reflects the views and concerns of the community and has been developed with the
community’s collaboration.
Now it is time to commence the formal six-week public consultation on the Plan and its policies. This consultation opens on 4th January 2016 and closes on 4th March 2016.
Your views and comments are welcome. Each will be considered individually so that the Plan goingforward represents the views of all Parish residents and ensures both the best protection and mosteffective growth in our quiet place in rural Gloucestershire up to 2031. You can do this in a number of ways. Paper copies of the Plan and accompanying feedback forms can be found in St Margaret’s Church porch and in the Village Hall porch, or obtained on request from our Parish coordinators. Youcan also view the Plan online at and email your comments to [email protected].
On behalf of the Parish Council, I would like to thank Tewkesbury Borough Council and the Gloucestershire Rural Community Council for their assistance during the development of our Plan,the ANDP Group who worked hard to bring it to fruition and, finally, the whole community for their participation and support.
Keith Page
Chair, Alderton Parish Council
January 2016
community’s collaboration.
Now it is time to commence the formal six-week public consultation on the Plan and its policies. This consultation opens on 4th January 2016 and closes on 4th March 2016.
Your views and comments are welcome. Each will be considered individually so that the Plan goingforward represents the views of all Parish residents and ensures both the best protection and mosteffective growth in our quiet place in rural Gloucestershire up to 2031. You can do this in a number of ways. Paper copies of the Plan and accompanying feedback forms can be found in St Margaret’s Church porch and in the Village Hall porch, or obtained on request from our Parish coordinators. Youcan also view the Plan online at and email your comments to [email protected].
On behalf of the Parish Council, I would like to thank Tewkesbury Borough Council and the Gloucestershire Rural Community Council for their assistance during the development of our Plan,the ANDP Group who worked hard to bring it to fruition and, finally, the whole community for their participation and support.
Keith Page
Chair, Alderton Parish Council
January 2016
Regulation 14 Consultation Alderton NDP
To download a copy of the Alderton NDP please click the link below: