Alderton Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)
A group of local volunteers in conjunction with Alderton Parish Council and with assistance from Tewkesbury Borough Council and Kirkwells Planning consultants have been developing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Alderton Parish over the last four years – the Alderton NDP.
Neighbourhood Planning gives communities the right to shape development at a local level. Neighbourhood development plans do not prevent development but do give the local community the power to develop a shared vision for the locality including where and how it should develop. The NDP therefore adds all-important local detail to the wider Borough Plan.
Neighbourhood Planning gives communities the right to shape development at a local level. Neighbourhood development plans do not prevent development but do give the local community the power to develop a shared vision for the locality including where and how it should develop. The NDP therefore adds all-important local detail to the wider Borough Plan.
The Alderton Neighbourhood Development Plan was submitted, in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), to Tewkesbury Borough Council following formal approval by the Parish Council at its meeting on 15th August 2017.
Alderton Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)
Alderton Submission NDP_FINAL4 by Mark Watts-Jones on Scribd |
You can read the plan on the Alderton website or download a copy of the Alderton NDP from the link below:
Consultation Responses
From the 18th September 2017 until the 30th October 2017 the plan was consulted on, in accordance with Regulation 16, as a 'plan proposal'. All documents relating to this proposal can be viewed on the Alderton NDP Evidence base page.
The consultation responses received can be downloaded from Alderton regulation 16 consultation - summary response report or by downloading the file:
Examination Report
Following the close of the six week consultation period on the 30th October 2017 the plan was subject to Independent Examination.
The independent neighbourhood plan examiner, Deborah McCann BSc MRICS MRTPI Dip Arch Con Dip LD published her final report on the 16th March 2018. The report can be accessed by following the link below:
The independent neighbourhood plan examiner, Deborah McCann BSc MRICS MRTPI Dip Arch Con Dip LD published her final report on the 16th March 2018. The report can be accessed by following the link below:

independant_examiners_report_alderton_np.pdf |