Dear All In September Police and Crime Commissioner, Martin Surl announced that he had taken the decision to reopen the work to assess the case for a change in the governance of Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service (GFRS). Work carried out by Office of the PCC (OPCC) has identified a number of clear benefits a change in governance could bring. They are all contained in an outline business case, now available on our website. The next stage is to gather the views of people who live and work in Gloucestershire and this includes you. It is very important that as many people as possible take part in the consultation so please have a look at the outline business case and spare a few minutes to complete the short, anonymous, online survey. Please also circulate this e-mail and the links to your networks, including staff/members/contacts. This link also takes you to a short video explain the options and the case for change. There are four models of governance to consider. These are:
Against a statutory test of critical factors (economy and efficiency, effectiveness, public safety) and an additional assessment of deliverability, our analysis shows that the Governance Model would achieve the best outcomes for Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service and for Gloucestershire residents. This would mean that the PCC would become the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. Governance of GFRS would be very much the same as is it with the police. Neither the PCC nor the OPCC would be involved in any operational activity but there would be a requirement to develop a police and fire plan setting the strategic direction of the service as well as overseeing funding. Roles won’t change either – police will stay police and fire will remain fire. A summary of the benefits we believe would be achieved with a governance change for GFRS are: We do hope you will make your views known via the survey and please do circulate this to your contacts. Alternatively you can e-mail us at [email protected] or telephone 01452 754348. You can also write to us at The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, No. 1 Waterwells, Waterwells Drive, Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 2AN.
Many thanks Office of the Police Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire No. 1 Waterwells| Waterwells Drive | Quedgeley | Gloucester | GL2 2AN Group – 01452 754348 | Force Control Room – 101 | Twitter page | Facebook page Save our in-boxes!
1 Comment
28/4/2023 12:36:44
What is the purpose of the governance review being conducted for the Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue Service?
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