Dear All In September Police and Crime Commissioner, Martin Surl announced that he had taken the decision to reopen the work to assess the case for a change in the governance of Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service (GFRS). Work carried out by Office of the PCC (OPCC) has identified a number of clear benefits a change in governance could bring. They are all contained in an outline business case, now available on our website. The next stage is to gather the views of people who live and work in Gloucestershire and this includes you. It is very important that as many people as possible take part in the consultation so please have a look at the outline business case and spare a few minutes to complete the short, anonymous, online survey. Please also circulate this e-mail and the links to your networks, including staff/members/contacts. This link also takes you to a short video explain the options and the case for change. There are four models of governance to consider. These are:
Against a statutory test of critical factors (economy and efficiency, effectiveness, public safety) and an additional assessment of deliverability, our analysis shows that the Governance Model would achieve the best outcomes for Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service and for Gloucestershire residents. This would mean that the PCC would become the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. Governance of GFRS would be very much the same as is it with the police. Neither the PCC nor the OPCC would be involved in any operational activity but there would be a requirement to develop a police and fire plan setting the strategic direction of the service as well as overseeing funding. Roles won’t change either – police will stay police and fire will remain fire. A summary of the benefits we believe would be achieved with a governance change for GFRS are: We do hope you will make your views known via the survey and please do circulate this to your contacts. Alternatively you can e-mail us at [email protected] or telephone 01452 754348. You can also write to us at The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, No. 1 Waterwells, Waterwells Drive, Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 2AN.
Many thanks Office of the Police Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire No. 1 Waterwells| Waterwells Drive | Quedgeley | Gloucester | GL2 2AN Group – 01452 754348 | Force Control Room – 101 | Twitter page | Facebook page Save our in-boxes!
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Alderton Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) ConsultationAlderton's NDP has been submitted to Tewkesbury Borough Council for a six-week consultation under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The Alderton NDP is now subject to a statutory period of public consultation running from 18th September ending at 5pm on 30th October 2017. During this consultation period you can view the plan on the Alderton website or on the Tewkesbury Borough website or you can download a copy of the Alderton NDP from the link below:
alderton_submission_ndp_final4__170817.pdf Download File The ANDP documents are also available on paper:
If posting or handing in representations forms to the Borough offices, please use the following address: Tewkesbury Borough Council: For the Attention of The Neighbourhood Planning Officer, Council Offices, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5TT Comment on the ANDP During this consultation period you can make representations or comments by using the Alderton NDP Reg 16 Consultation Comments Form on the the Tewkesbury Borough website. or downloaded from here. ![]() Alderton Wanderers - 128/7 off 20 overs Dumbleton CC -107/6 off 20 overs Alderton win by 21 runs Fantastic performances all round from Alderton Wanderers CC players in the local derby v. Dumbleton CC on 31st May meant that Alderton were able to retain the bragging rights over the 'auld enemy' for another year. It was a great night with a lively atmosphere created by the cricketing wives/partners in our own Barmy ladies army! Alderton batted first and scored 128 off our 20 overs for the loss of 7 wickets in part due to about 24 runs scored in one over by Rupert & JK (John Kopec). Dumbleton were never really up with the pace after some accurate bowling and great fielding so they finished short on 107 - 6 off their 20 overs. Everybody contributed to the victory as you can see below:
Andy W & James S - thank you both so much for your awesome support, it was really appreciated. All in all this was Alderton Wanderer's most complete performance since the club was formed 5 years ago. Onwards and upwards now as we attempt to make 2017 our most successful season ever.
Local residents tell us that BT will offer their customers BT Infinity 2 Unlimited broadband at up to 71 MBp/s for £24.95 or BT Infinity 1 at up to 38 MBp/s for £19.95 per month for the first 12 months. Bizarrely this is cheaper than the existing broadband package!
Don't forget to compare prices though as if you're out of contract you can also now get one of the other broadband providers like Sky, TalkTalk, or many others to provide your connection. We would be very grateful if you would spare the time to pop into either the Infant Base or the Junior Base to sign a petition to claim for fairer funding for schools in Gloucestershire. The petition can also be signed at the Alderton Village Shop and the coffee shop Dumbleton.
Government funding for education is allocated according to a formula which results in some counties receiving significantly more funding than others. This results in schools in some other counties being allocated approximately £2,000 more per pupil than schools in Gloucestershire. For us as a school, this could equate to £150,000 more a year! Local MPs are very supportive of the claim for fairer funding and have asked all schools in this area to invite parents and members of the local community to sign a petition which they will present to the Prime Minister. Petitions must be with MPs by 23 October so please come in to sign as soon as possible. Gloucestershire is ranked 149th out of 152 for education funding, making our schools some of the poorest in the country! Your support will give us the opportunity to make a huge difference! Our drop in flu clinics are as follows:
Early in 2012 when I was buying Alderton Village Shop & Post Office, I had a very welcome response from all the residents whom I met. It was very obvious to me at that time that the shop was very important to the residents. I have done my best toimprove the service and add to the line of products by my customers requests. We have done our best to provide our customers with the best local supplies and best service.
However sales in the last few months (since the beginning of August) have been disappointingly low which is very worrying. If you really want to have a village shop and Post Office, you really need to support it. Royal Mail are constantly monitoring our sales and services online and if they come to conclusion that we are not doing well enough, they can cancel our licence and close the Post Office. So it is very important to show that Post Office is also being supported! We do not expect anyone to do their weekly shopping here (although the shop is well stocked), but buying a few essentials would help. We try to keep our prices compatible with supermarkets and our meat, bread, cakes and especially vegetables are locally produced and superior to supermarket quality. To end this on the positive note, we have added new organic items to list from Haslum's Farm, such as rocket, pac choy and chard. Also the 2015 Alderton Calendar is now available in the shop. Soon we wil lbe taking orders for Christmas turkeys, sausages, meat and vegetable boxes. Remember if you really want to have a Village Shop and Post Office, you need to support it! ![]() Alderton's Playground survery results are in! 63% of people who responded thought that the current playground was 'Poor' or 'Very Poor' and 96% of people 'Strongly Agreed' or 'Agreed' that new modern play equipment should be provided. To read the report and see what residents thought click here. Thanks to all of our runners in 2014's run. For results and photos please click here. Don't forget every penny of your entry fee goes to help our village Pre-School. We hope you enjoyed it and will be back in 2015!
Mark Watts-JonesI live in Alderton and look after this website. Archives
April 2024