Celebrate summer with the Happenstance Morris dancers, and enjoy coffee and cake, raffle and tombola, craft and produce stalls, outdoor games and activities at Alderton’s annual church fete. Stalls also available in the church and a display of vintage cars in the Old Rectory garden.
Book for a delicious lunch in the Village Hall from 12.30 to 2pm. Please see menu for details. Ring Helen West with your choice on 620587 or hand in into the shop or at Junipers, Blacksmiths Road.
Come along to St Margaret's Church Food and Fizz evening in Alderton Churchyard on Saturday June 11th starting at 6pm. Karen Cox's woodwind group will be playing background music and there will be an exhibition of royal memorabilia in the Church to celebrate the Queen's birthday. Tickets are £5 and include canapes. There will be a pay bar.
Tickets from Helen West on 620587/[email protected] or Ros Smith 620560/ [email protected]. All proceeds to church running costs. |
Mark Watts-JonesI am MWJ. Self appointed purveyor of Alderton village events. Archives
July 2024