Pamper Evening - Thurs 18th April from 7 - 9.30pm, Village HallPamper Evening on Thursday 18th April from 7-9.30pm. Only £10 for a mini 20-minute treatment.Treatments to include: Reflexology, Massage, Relaxation, Hair Sparkles, Facials and manicures.Raffle and Refreshments. Free entry.It is best to Pre book your treatment to avoid disappointment. Contact Sian on 620906/07790 342157
Games Night - Saturday 23rd March - 5pm to 7pm, Alderton Village HallGames Night on Saturday 5pm - 7pm at Alderton Village Hall. Come along and play favourites old and new including Pictionary, Cluedo, Bananagrams and Polarity as well as snooker and table tennis. There's also hot dogs, ice cream and a bar!
The population falling within the Union at the 1831 census had been 9,715 with parishes ranging in size from Rowell (population 38) to Winchcomb itself (2,514). The average annual poor-rate expenditure for the period 1833-5 had been £4,911 or 10s.1d. per head. The new Winchcomb Union workhouse was built in 1836 on a site to the west of the town at the north side of Gloucester Street. The Poor Law Commissioners authorised an expenditure of £3,750 on construction of the building which was intended to accommodate 180 inmates. It was designed by the Sampson Kempthorne who designed many other workhouses including one for the Thornbury Union. His design for Winchcomb was based on his model "200 pauper" plan. An entrance and administrative block lay at the south, with accommodation ranges behind in a cruciform layout. However, there was no central supervisory hub to the building. The workhouse location and layout are shown on the 1921 map below. More information
New Year’s Eve Party
Tickets are £20 and include live band, disco and buffet. Book your table now. Tickets available from Sian on 620906 / 07790342157or email [email protected] PARACISE classes with Lesley Roberts starts at Alderton Village Hall on Tuesday 9th October, 6pm. First class is a free taster class then it will be £5 per 45 minute class. No need to book, just turn up. Look at to see what it’s all about – a gentle but effective workout to uplifting music – Gentle on the joints, low intensity, improves mobility, flexibility, posture, balance and co-ordination - and it’s all done standing up! Suitable for all but especially those who are over 50, or anyone who wants to get started or return to exercise regardless of age. Contact [email protected] or 07769 651060 for more information. What makes a stress-free Xmas? Lots of lovely cards and gifts right here in Alderton Village Hall, with the proceeds going directly to charities of your choice. There is really no need to look further for your Xmas goodies! Coffee and cake and a super raffle make this an enjoyable way to spend Saturday morning. £1 entrance - children FREE This year we are pleased to welcome two new charities: Acorns Children's Hospice and Farms for City Children, an organisation set up by War Horse author, Michael Morpurgo, to give deprived children a chance of a farm holiday. Do visit these stalls and give them your support, but there are also many old favourites waiting for you, including the RNLI, RSPB, Guide Dogs, LINC, the National Trust, Cobalt, Parkinson's and Riding for the Disabled. So whether you are looking for chutneys or calendars, stocking fillers or tea towels, Christmas cards or cakes, this is the place to come! As in previous years, we are asking for your help with baking for the MacMillan stall. Last year, we raised £400 with cakes, pies and quiches - can we beat it this year? Drop your contributions off at Gantier, bottom of Church Road, during the day on Friday 9th November, or deliver to the Village Hall Friday evening between 6-7pm. Ring Sue Parry on 01242 620343 with details. Alderton's annual Charity Christmas Fair is on Saturday 8th November at 10am. With cards and gifts from National Trust, RSPB, Lifeboats, LINC, Cobalt Appeal, GWR and many more this is the only place you'll need to go for your card shopping. And perhaps more importantly we've raised over £10,000 for many worthy causes in the last 7 years!
![]() Join us on Saturday 22nd November for an evening of fun-packed questions, pictures and music. Teams are 6 people or join one on the night. There's a maximum of 14 teams so please let us know your team when you buy tickets from Roger and Carol at the October Gardeners Arms quiz or from Alderton Village Shop (after 1st October). Tickets are £10 per person including supper. There's a full bar and raffle with all proceeds go towards the Village Hall running costs. Raffle prize donations would be most welcome to Carol at the quiz or to Mark Watts-Jones ([email protected] or 620567). ![]() Do your Christmas shopping locally and support good causes at the same time! The annual Alderton Charity Christmas Fair in early November gets you off to a flying start. Charities include:
There’s a raffle and plenty of coffee and cake to brighten your day! £1 entry; children free. Proceeds from refreshments go to the Village Hall Fund. The Alderton Allotment Association (AAA) is looking for volunteers willing to help with the co-ordination of the Village Produce and Craft Show. The work load on volunteer members is not expected to be great – we just need folk with an interest in keeping the Alderton parish spirit alive. Last year’s show was a great success and involved a whole cross section of the community. This year we hope to make the event bigger, and with sufficient volunteers, better than last years.
If you are willing to help and be part of this year’s team then please let me know by emailing Bob Kennedy on [email protected] or calling 01242 620829 for a chat. We are seeking volunteers to arrange and oversee aspects of the show in the following sections: Fruit and Vegetables, Flowers, Arts and Crafts, General Organisational skills, Jams & Chutneys, Cakes and baking and more. We are all amateurs so don’t worry over your level of expertise. |
Mark Watts-JonesI am MWJ. Self appointed purveyor of Alderton village events. Archives
July 2024