Alderton Village Newsletter - December 2022I am pleased to tell you that the newsletter will continue with a new editor from January 2023. I would like to thank everyone who has supported the newsletter during my 11 years as Editor with contributions of news, reams of paper and financial donations. Finally, a huge THANK YOU to our printer, John Appleton and our wonderful band of distributors for their support and commitment each month. Just to remind you, we do not produce a newsletter for the end of December so the next one will be printed at the end of January 2023. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land South of Beckford Road [35 houses] THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT OF AROUND 35 DWELLINGS ON LAND SOUTH OF BECKFORD ROAD [ behind the Charles Church development]. As far as can be seen, communication about this from the Developer has been restricted to neighbouring properties. We therefore await a Planning application and will notify villagers when we hear. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [56 houses] Thanks to villagers who have commented on this. There are 119 objections to date. It is still possible to comment.How to make your comments:
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS continued... PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [ now 48 houses We are awaiting a date when this will go to the Tewkesbury Borough Planning Committee. JUST A REMINDER THAT THESE THREE PROPOSALS [ 139 HOUSES IN TOTAL] ARE ON TOP OF THE 77 NEW HOMES ALREADY BUILT, THE 28 BEING BUILT AND WOULD ADD UP TO 244 NEW HOUSES IN A VILLAGE THAT HAD 277 DWELLINGS. This means that the village would virtually double in size if all these applications were approved. Maps of the three current proposals are on noticeboards so villagers can see the extent of possible change and expansion. 22/00901/FUL – Variations to allow variations/ amendments, land parcel 0088 Willow Bank Road [ new Cala estate] HIGHWAYS – a meeting was held in the village with Gloucestershire Highways where several issues with local roads were pointed out. APPOINTMENT OF PARISH CLERK – The Parish Council welcomes Julie Whiting who has been appointed as the permanent Parish Clerk. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday, 17 January 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall. Please note there is no meeting in December. VILLAGE NEWS CHURCH NEWS REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Over 70 people attended the short Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial to celebrate the soldiers who died serving our country. Their names were read out by Tom Cullimore and we were very pleased to have Pete Chandler’s grandson, Dan, to play the bugle for the event. ALDERTON CALENDAR 2023 Alderton Village Calendar 2023 (A4 size) is 50% sold out limited number still available with 12 local views and “local celebs” you’ll all recognise, taken by Alderton photographer, Will Hughes, photographed throughout the seasons. Perfect for Christmas gifts. Price is just £10 and all profits go to much needed St Margaret’s Church funds. Contact Sarah on 07989 048123 or email [email protected]. Happy to deliver in the village and will also be in sale at the Christmas Fair. CHRISTMAS FAIR The annual Christmas Fair will be held on 10th December, 2.00pm - 4.00pm in the Village Hall. Attractions will include the following: a Grand Raffle (drawn at 4pm). Cake Stall, Tombola, Delicatessen, Jams & Preserves & a Gift Stall, amongst others. Delicious refreshments will be available. Of course, Father Christmas will be there. Up until 3rd December, good quality items for the Gift Stall will be gratefully received by Sandy Keys, 11 Ellenor Drive. If you would like to donate any raffle prizes these would be gratefully received. Please drop them off at Nicki and Sheila’s at 10 Church Road, who are organising the raffle, prizes for the draw or arrange for collection by calling them on 01242 620960. If you haven’t got your raffle tickets for the mega raffle taking place on the day, they can still be purchased from the shop or Nicki and Sheila CHRISTMAS SERVICES: CANDLELIT CAROL SERVICE AND CHRISTINGLE: is on Sunday December 11th at 4pm. It will be great to have the Church lit by candles and Christingle oranges and sing some well-loved carols. The collection will be for the Children’s Society – a charity working for children with challenging issues. CAROL SINGING and BLESSING OF THE CRIB: outdoors if fine, inside if not! Come and sing your favourite carols and bring the children to set the scene for the Christmas story. Afterwards have a hot dog or mince pie, mulled wine or squash to get into the Christmas spirit! CHRISTMAS EVE: Midnight Communion in Alderton at 11.30pm CHRISTMAS DAY: a short family service at 10.30am BISHOP’S VISIT: the re-arranged date for Bishop Rachel to visit our group of 4 Oak Hill Churches and take the service will be on Sunday 22nd January at 10.30am. Do come and join us and give her a good welcome. Bishop Rachel’s first career was as a Speech and Language Therapist then she trained as a Priest and worked in London. She was ordained as the first female Bishop. She is the bishop responsible for HM Prisons and is the Patron of the Nelson Trust in Stroud who support people who have faced trauma and addiction. She also works for a charity which raises awareness of body image anxiety in young people. CHARITY CHRISTMAS CARDS may still be available to buy from David Cramp (RSPB) and Ros Smith (Cobalt). Contact David at djcramp@btinternet,com and Ros at 7 Church Road or 01242 620560. ALDERTON GARDENING CLUB An audience of around 50 welcomed the return of "The Horticultural Heroine from Hoo House Nursery near Tewkesbury Julie Ritchie to the November Meeting of The Alderton Gardening Club. Her wonderful talk was entitled "Winter into Spring". Julie has run her nursery just off the A38 for 37 years now. Specialising in perennials, alpines and grasses she is an expert plantswoman. The nursery has been visited in the past by a fellow plantaholic expert, the nationally regarded Roy Lancaster. Julie projected a superb series of photos taken mainly at Hoo House or at Ashwood nurseries run by John Massey. Our speaker as always spoke eloquently about each type of plant, its growing requirements, flowering and foliar characteristics. Starting off with hardy chrysanthemums, grasses, cyclamen hederifolium in early winter to snowdrops, aconites, cyclamen coum in early January, then epimediums, hepaticas, iris unguicularis and hellebores in february, then finishing off with erothroniums bergenias, pulmonarias, pulsatillas and the first daffodils and tulips of early spring. The standard of Julie's photography was quite simply superb, as was her pronunciation of the plants' latin names...all done without a script! After speaking for a good 70 minutes our guest took a few questions, then took a breather after a round of applause. A lady completely expert in her trade and with her nursery. You will struggle to find someone of her expertise at a larger national chain garden centre I would wager! Chairman Tom then gave advice and instruction on gardening jobs for November including how to make leaf mould, selecting and how to plant bare root, roses, fruit bushes and trees, planting tulips, dividing rhubarb, and late autumn care of hellebores, and lawns. He then went on to bring everyone up to date with the latest club news and other pending village events. A bumper 8 prize raffle was drawn by Julie and a vote of thanks was given for her talk. Everyone came away bursting with ideas and options to make their gardens more colourful and interesting during the darkest months of the year. Julie brought some plants for sale from the nursery and a brisk trade ensued. Nearly all of the Tulip bulbs sold as well, and Will Hughes was on hand to sell his Alderton Village Calendars to raise funds for St Margaret's church. Our next Meeting is our Christmas special evening on Thursday 8th of December starting at the earlier time of 7PM, when we will welcome Gloucestershire folklore expert Katherine Kear to the club. She is regularly heard on BBC Radio Gloucestershire and will be demonstrating how to do some Christmas themed flower arrangements. Festive food, wine and other drinks will be served along with a special raffle and the announcement of next year's programme of speakers. Hoping to see you there, as the AGC finishes 2022 in style! VILLAGE HALL NEWS Saturday 7th January 2023 – 2-course Lunch in the Village Hall 12 – 2pm. Homemade hearty soup and a roll and a delicious pudding for just £6! Everyone welcome and no need to book – just turn up! Raffle too with great prizes – and if you have any unwanted, unused Christmas gifts you’d like to donate/bring along for future raffles in aid of village hall funds, we’d be very grateful. Contact [email protected] for further info. NEWS FROM ACORNS PRE-SCHOOL AND TODDLERS We are super excited about our latest venture – a full five days of superb pre-school education are now available here in Alderton, including Forest School for children aged 3+ on Friday mornings. So if you go down to the woods (aka the Millenium Copse!) on a Friday you can be sure of a big surprise – no, not teddy bears just little Acorns exploring the great outdoors with playleaders, Suzy and Steph! In the Village Hall, our popular Toddler Group will be running in parallel as usual between 10-11.30am. Parents please note – our Acorns Pre-school is a great way of preparing your children for the next stage of their educational journey. We are ranked ‘Good’ by Ofsted and you don’t have to travel far to find us – we are open every weekday now from 9am to 3pm (morning sessions also available) in the Village Hall. The new Forest School on Fridays is for children aged 3 and over. Contact Ellie for more details on 07842 161159. We would love to hear from you. Christmas news The Acorns Monster Christmas Hamper draw is back! Tickets will be on sale from the 1st December from Alderton shop and from Acorns families and friends. Our theme this year is ‘A Winter Wonderland’ – look out for a truly dreamy hamper of goodies in Alderton Stores from December 1st. Please buy as many tickets as you can at only £2 each. The draw will be held in the last Toddler Group Christmas-themed session in the Village Hall on 16th December. Thank you! A date for your diary The annual Acorns Quiz and Curry Night will be held on Saturday 11th February 2023. OAK HILL CE PRIMARY SCHOOL [email protected] This busy term has gone really quickly and, as we head towards December, Nativity rehearsals are well underway. Children and staff are enthusiastically learning songs and lines for Little Angel Gets Her Wings which will be led by Reception and Key Stage 1 during the first week of December. The majority of work at the Alderton site has been finished. The recent installation of the doors from the Reception and Key Stage 1 classroom that led to their sheltered play area has made such a difference and it is wonderful to see the children enjoying that space. The mud kitchen and scooters are favourites. Reception, Year 1 and 2 have been busy practicing their writing and singing. The class are going on a trip to Smart Trees in Pershore mid-December which they are really looking forward to. Year 3 and 4 have been very busy producing some wonderful creative writing, conducting experiments with eggs and toothpaste and will be learning how an iRobot Dog works.Our Year 5 and 6 children have enjoyed writing chronological reports, learning about the Muslim festival Eid and researching Mount Everest. It is a privilege to be a Thrive School. The mental health of our children and staff is extremely important to us. Our Thrive Practitioners provide support to children through various activities. The most recent addition to the work we do is Therapeutic Gardening which the children have really enjoyed. They have been learning about the benefits of being outside and how that makes us feel, sowing seeds and helping plants to grow. Our Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs are proving really popular with regular bookings each week. Various fun activities are always on offer! Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am and Afterschool Club runs until 5.30pm. Our wonderful staff work very hard to create an inspiring and happy environment for our children. If you would like to come and look around the school, please do not hesitate to contact the office. FRIENDS OF OAK HILL SCHOOL We are also offering villagers the opportunity to be part of our Bonus Ball scheme. If you’re not yet familiar with the club, here’s how it works: Pick an available number from the list and – if it comes up as the bonus ball number in the National Lottery’s Lotto draw each Saturday – you’ll win £10. Your support is so important to our lovely village school. All the funds go towards creating a wonderful learning environment for everyone at Oak Hill and providing educational resources and experiences for all of the children. Again, please email f[email protected] to choose your number and sign up. ALDERTON CHARITY FOOTBALL 2022 - MARRIED V SINGLES - TUES DECEMBER 27TH, 11AM KICK OFF. Alderton Charity Football 2022 - Married v Singles - Tues December 27th, 11am kick off. Alderton's Charity Football is back. The quality of the football isn't great but the fundraising is - over the years the matches have raised over £20,000 for local and national charities. Football skills are not really required. If you’d like to play and are over 16 let Rupert know at [email protected]. This year Friends of Oak Hill School are delighted to be the chosen charity for the annual Alderton football match in 2022. The ever-evolving catchment that our school serves and the continuous down turn of funding in education, has meant that this year our two school sites merged into one to ensure that the student population can be more efficiently served. With your help we can support the Governors and teaching staff to ensure that our school in Alderton has all of the resources it needs to offer our children a brilliant education and the means to have fun, make friends and feel safe in our beautiful village. Please accept our sincere thanks for getting involved with this amazing event in any way that you can. The Friends of Oak Hill School Committee CAROL SINGING AND BLESSING OF THE CRIB The Carol Singing and Blessing of the Crib is on Wednesday 21st December at 5pm -- in the Churchyard if fine, inside if not. Then stay for mulled wine + apple juice, hot dogs and mince pies. NEWS FROM AROUND THE AREA GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS Carol Singing will take place at the church on Monday 19th December, an informal evening including the blessing of the crib, mince pies and mulled wine. All are welcome. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS We would like to wish all our friends in the village a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. A donation in lieu of Christmas cards will be sent to Bowel Cancer UK this year. Pam & Brian Lucas Ivona in Blenheim Close, wishes all her friends in Alderton a Very Happy and ,Peaceful Christmas and a Healthy New Year .A donation in lieu of cards will be sent towards the printing of these Newsletters . We, also, received the following kind email from a local resident. A big Thank You to Caroline and John for editing and printing the village newsletter is so efficiently over the last 10 years. It has been so appreciated in keeping us all up-to-date with the village news NEXT NEWSLETTER Deadline for copy is Wednesday 25th January 2023. All items must have Name & Tel No. of sender. Our e-mail address is: [email protected] . The newsletter is also available at
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December 2024