Alderton Village Newsletter - December 2022I am pleased to tell you that the newsletter will continue with a new editor from January 2023. I would like to thank everyone who has supported the newsletter during my 11 years as Editor with contributions of news, reams of paper and financial donations. Finally, a huge THANK YOU to our printer, John Appleton and our wonderful band of distributors for their support and commitment each month.
Just to remind you, we do not produce a newsletter for the end of December so the next one will be printed at the end of January 2023. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land South of Beckford Road [35 houses] THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT OF AROUND 35 DWELLINGS ON LAND SOUTH OF BECKFORD ROAD [ behind the Charles Church development]. As far as can be seen, communication about this from the Developer has been restricted to neighbouring properties. We therefore await a Planning application and will notify villagers when we hear. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [56 houses] Thanks to villagers who have commented on this. There are 119 objections to date. It is still possible to comment.How to make your comments:
Alderton Village Newsletter - November 2022 - No. 498NEWSLETTER MAY STOP!
No volunteers have come forward to take over running the newsletter so there is a real possibility that it will stop. There are a number of roles associated with getting the newsletter produced and delivered. Firstly, we have a continuing team of dedicated volunteers who distribute to all households. We then have Caroline who receives contributions and puts the newsletter together – this is a few hours per month – and another few hours from John who does the printing. There is a reasonably modern and quick printer available. It is the editing and printing roles where we need new volunteers. If anyone would like to discuss taking over one or both tasks please ring, Caroline, on 01242 620630. The newsletter is an independent publication which has been running for 42 years and is delivered to EVERY house. New social media outlets provide a welcome source for village news but not everyone has access to it and those who do, say they still welcome a printed update of village news on a monthly basis. Sending electronically has many difficulties particularly given GDPR rules. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land South of Beckford Road [35 houses] HARD TO BELIEVE BUT THERE IS YET ANOTHER PLANNING APPLICATION IN PREPARATION – THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT OF AROUND 35 DWELLINGS ON LAND SOUTH OF BECKFORD ROAD [ behind the Charles Church development]. No doubt more news on this will be communicated to villagers in due course. |