Alderton Village Newsletter - August 2023 Note from Editor: Hopefully children and parents are enjoying the Summer break and we have a sunnier August! Good luck and best wishes to everyone getting exam results this month. Recently there has been a spate of door-to-door callers offering to power wash drives and roofs. The latest company is suspected to be bogus, despite smart leaflets. The advice from the police and Citizens Advice is to “use well-known known local companies who can provide genuine references and a land line number. Get quotes from more than one company. Even better if they have been recommended by people you trust & you can see examples of their work.” Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: 1. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS [email protected] PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [was 55 houses, now 48 houses] We have received the very disappointing outcome to the Inquiry. The only scope to challenge the outcome would be through a judicial review and the Parish Council have said to Tewkesbury Borough Council that we would support them if they chose that route. Otherwise careful attention needs to be paid to the detail of the full planning application. A village meeting to discuss the implications was attended by over 60 villagers. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT- Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] There are still some reports missing so consideration of the application by Tewkesbury’s Planning Committee remains delayed. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [48 houses] It is understood that the proposal is being amended to reduce the size of the development from 56 to 48 houses. This will require some further re-consultation but it is understood that existing representations will still apply. The Parish Council’s strong objection remains. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land South of Beckford Road [35 houses] No application has been seen, as yet. CALA DEVELOPMENT The Parish Council have complained about the wooden posts on Willow Bank Road associated with this development. There has been no response as yet. HIGHWAYS Councillor Grey, from the County Council, reported that significant work was currently taking place on pothole repair in the area. A number of other issues have been raised with Highways. ALLOTMENTS A number of members of the Allotments Association attended the July meeting and there was a discussion about possible steps to improve security following the recent spate of break-ins. There will also be consultation with the Association about the next issue of standardised tenancy agreements. All enquiries/ correspondence to the Parish Council should be sent to [email protected] DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 15 August at 7pm in the Village Hall. 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS ALDERTON 5K RUN, SAT 16TH SEPTEMBER 2023, 11AM START Alderton's fast, flat (ish!) and super-friendly run last year raised a record £2,737, every penny of which went to Alderton Acorns. The course is ideal for clocking a good time and we welcome all runners from complete beginners to experienced club runners. Find out more and enter online at PLEASE AVOID BECKFORD ROAD Our paramount concern is for the safety of our 200 runners and we'd appreciate if local residents could please keep Beckford Road towards Beckford clear of cars and use an alternative route. The course starts at the Gardeners Arms, goes past Great Washbourne then turns back to the finish on Alderton Playing Field. Access to Beckford Road will be limited at the following times:
ALDERTON VILLAGE PRODUCE AND CRAFT SHOW, SAT 9th SEP, VILLAGE HALLThe show schedule is now available on the Alderton Village website at There will be some paper copies in the shop and on various notice boards around the village. There are lots of different classes for everyone to enjoy and get involved in, including Fruit and Veg growing, Flower displays, Art and Craft, Baking and Making, and fun junior classes. New for this year is a young person’s category up to the age of 16. Or in the spirit of recycling and reusing, how about entering the ‘something new from something old’ category. Remember, It’s all in the name of fun and community spirit! For more details, contact Sian Tryner on 620906/07790 342157 [email protected] OAK HILL CE PRIMARY SCHOOL [email protected] It's that time of year again when the Friends of Oak Hill School ask for your continued support for the Bonus Ball Club. Thank you so much to all those who’ve already signed up this year! If you’re not yet familiar with the club, here’s how it works: You pick an available number from our list and – if it comes up as the bonus ball number in the National Lottery’s Lotto draw each Saturday – you’ll win £10. Your support is so important to our lovely village school and the Bonus Ball Club is a great way to raise money. All the funds go towards creating a wonderful learning environment for the pupils and staff at Oak Hill and providing educational resources and experiences for all of the children. There are plenty of numbers up for grabs, so do get involved if you can. It’s just £1 a week to enter. If you’d like to join in, please just let me know. You can find me by the school gate most days at the start and end of the school day. Alternatively, feel free to email me at [email protected] or message me on 07921 453 278. We hope you will all continue to support this great fundraiser. And please do share this message with friends and family members who might want to join in too! We also have an invitation to share for all new and existing families joining the school in September, this year we plan to do our AGM on time! The meeting will take place at The Gardeners Arms on Thursday the 14th September at 7.30pm. This is your chance to get involved - all of our meetings are open to all and whether you think you might like to be part of the committee or just want to contribute ideas or time here and there, you are very welcome. We will formally elect our committee members so do reach out if you are interested in a particular role. Thanks for all of your support this year and we look forward to supporting the school again in the 2023/24 academic year. The FOOHS committee. GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson This month, we welcomed Helen Picton. She is the 3rd generation of her family to be involved with the Old Court Nurseries and Picton Garden, Colwall. Following on from her parents Paul & Meriel and her grandfather Percy, one of the great nurserymen of the 20th century. The 1.5-acre Picton Garden is a popular destination for garden plant lovers; especially during the early Autumn when the Michaelmas daisies are in bloom. The family nurtures the national collection of these plants amounting to 240 cultivars. Many of which can be purchased along with so many fine perennial plants from the nursery there. Helen's well illustrated talk took us through "a gardener's year in plants" from winter to winter. Many of the scenes were taken at the Picton garden and Helen talked with great clarity and experience about each one featured. Many of the 60 strong audience were making lots of notes about the plants during the evening. There were many rare irises along with Hepaticas, Gentianas, Saxifrages and of course Michaelmas daisies. Helen is married to Ross Barbour, former head gardener at Ragley Hall. He met her at the nursery shopping for Michaelmas daisies, and as a result a romance well and truly blossomed! He now works with her and brings plenty of ideas and experience to their garden projects. After speaking for upwards of 75 minutes Helen then took questions from the members and then took a break whilst chairman Tom gave his gardening tips and jobs for July as well as news about some village events as well as club news. A splendid six prize raffle was drawn by Helen followed by a vote of thanks and loud applause. She had brought some choice plants from Old Court Nursery for sale, and a brisk trade followed. The club will organise a trip to the Picton garden in the early Autumn, details to follow in due course. Next month we welcome back that highly experienced nurseryman and gardening writer in the Vale Magazine Andy Pedrick who will do a practical propagation workshop. Thursday August 10th - 7pm for a 7.30p.m start in Alderton Village Hall. All are welcome! ALDERTON ACORNS NEWS [email protected] What a busy end of term our little Acorns have had. We’ve enjoyed a sensory bear hunt and built straw, wood and brick houses with the three little pigs to name just a few of our exciting adventurous activities. We had a generous selection of toys donated to our new baby zone at our Friday toddler group which goes from strength to strength. This friendly local group supported by an amazing team of volunteers, will resume again in September. Our leavers’ party was a wonderful way to say goodbye to our big Acorns as they graduate up to big school in September - good luck and we wish you all the best! It is with sadness that we ended the year saying goodbye to our amazing Steph. Steph has been such a fun and enthusiastic member of our team and will be very much missed. We hope you take all the happy memories of your time with Acorns and enjoy your next adventure. You will be missed. We ended the year on a fantastic high with some of our little Acorns taking part in a sponsored Animal Adventure Trail. There were many animals spotted, lots of yummy cakes consumed and we just missed the rain, well nearly! We're so lucky to live with this beautiful countryside on our doorstep. Special thanks to Dumbleton estate for our route using their tracks. We still have places available for September so if you are thinking of joining our group please do get in touch. Please email [email protected] We are also looking to recruit a new pre-school assistant to our friendly team. Please get in touch by emailing [email protected] if you wish to receive further information about the role and how to apply. VILLAGE HALL NEWS MONTHLY COFFEE MORNINGS The monthly coffee mornings continue on the first Saturday of each month, 10-12pm.
Help is always needed at 9am to put up tables and at 12pm to put them away! Free cake in return for your kindness. NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Don’t want to fork out for an expensive taxi on New Year’s Eve, then join us for the party of the year. The band is booked, the DJ is primed, the decorations are divine. More details next month. [email protected] [email protected] ALDERTON VILLAGE STORE Yari 01242 620201 It is surprising how lots of our residents are still not sure about the Post Office’s banking services. As the major banks are closing their branches, the Post Office is taking more of the high-street banking roles. So before driving to town check with me, I may be able to save you time and petrol. If you have any questions please contact me by phone or drop in for a chat. You may find it useful. Remember it is the season for organic tomatoes and local strawberries. Notice about my holiday! As many of you know (I have mentioned it often enough these days) I have to go to Iran for family business for a month. My plan is to close the shop from 14th of August until 15th of September. I am sorry for inconvenience it may cause. Please continue supporting your local shop and Post Office. Thank you,Yari 3. CLUBS/CLASSES ALDERTON GOLF Alderton Golf has four events a year, one for each season and we take turns in helping to organise. Our society is for Alderton (and nearby) golfers of any gender and ability. Although prizes are awarded, the real aim is social and sporting fun. To play in the next event or to keep informed of future outings contact: Brian Spence [email protected] 07769182307 Mansel Healy [email protected] Nigel Roe 07762735165 ALDERTON WANDERERS CRICKET CLUB Alderton has a prospering cricket club. We are a Wanderers team playing all away games in the local area. Our matches are in the 20/20 format and take place on a Wednesday from May-July (occasional game in Aug/Sept), add on a few socials and even the odd tour. Just to clarify, we always play to win but we also consider ourselves a social team where ability/capability/skill/talent take 2nd place to the enjoyment of getting involved. If it was any other way most of the current squad would never get selected!!!! Anyone interested just email me: [email protected] PILATES Tina at [email protected] 07376051863
OVERBURY CRICKET CLUB Rob Hayden 07527 340320 [email protected] Overbury Cricket Club are looking for new senior and junior players of all abilities. Indoor preseason nets start soon at Winchcombe. Sundays 1pm to 3pm for juniors. Tuesdays 8pm to 9.30pm. First session free for new players. Men, Women, boys, girls all welcome. We run a league Saturday team, a midweek and Sunday friendly team. We also have a thriving junior section, with U11, U13 and U15 teams. WHAT’S ON FURTHER AFIELD IN AUGUST Mon 31st July – Sun 6th Musica Deo Sacra, festival of music at Tewkesbury Abbey Tues 1st – Thurs 16th Tuckwell Open-Air Theatre Festival, Cheltenham Fri 4th – Sun 6th Battle of Evesham Festival Thurs 10th – Sun 13th Lakefest.Eastnor Deer Park Sat 12th 80’s Mania at The Roses, Tewkesbury All month Summer holiday events at Sudeley Castle Mon 28th Dumbleton Fete Mon 28th Winchcombe Country Show 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISC PUT YOUR STUFF ON THE PAVEMENT DAY – SAT 19TH AUGUST 2023 – NEW DATE! Please put Sat 19 Aug in your diaries, with (yet another!) rain backup day of Sun 20 Aug. It's easy to take part. Simply put your stuff out on the pavement before 10am and bring what's left inside at 3. Even if you don't have stuff to give away, take a stroll you might find some gems. Hopefully lots of us can benefit from a bit of a declutter! If you have any questions please contact me - [email protected]. NEXT GREEN FIELDS TRUST GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE - 30TH SEPTEMBER 2023 Green Fields Trust ( on behalf of Gretton Solar Farm Limited have funded numerous small projects within Alderton over the last few years; solar panels on the playing field changing rooms, energy efficient lighting and remote controls in the village hall, outdoor and environmental education projects for Oak Hill School and Alderton Acorns and water butts and compost bins for the Allotment committee - you see the sort of thing! The next funding application deadline is 30th September 2023 - go to the website for more information and application forms. Ken Roles (07729 845543) for the trustees SIMON’S FUNERAL The Lucas family would like to thank the residents of Alderton for their patience with the extra traffic and parking due to people attending our sons funeral. Sincere apologies also to the people in Church Road who where especially inconvenienced . We would like to thank all those who attended the service it was much appreciated. ALDERTON RUNNERS IN GREAT NORTH RUN With 6 weeks to go until the Great North Run on Sunday 10th September, Karen and myself have been running twice a week usually covering around 13 - 16 miles with Winchcombe Running Club or with friends. I joined a local gym at the end of May, going twice weekly, although I'm still waiting for the results to show in my running. In August, I'm signed up for the Bugatti 10k and Run Winchcombe and Alderton 5k in September. We also want to thank everyone for their kind donations for Sue Ryder currently standing around £270. If you would like to donate, please do online via, my Facebook link, or text 07745 802072 and I'll add you to my sponsor sheet. Very many thanks, Karen and Steve Bowles. AGAINST BREAST CANCER Judith Humphreys I’m still collecting bras to raise money for Against Breast Cancer. If you have any old bras just pop them in a bag and leave it in my porch. The Headlands, 41 Willowbank Rd Thank you Alderton Newsletter has a new email address for you to send your contributions. It is [email protected] Next newsletter deadline 25th August Comments are closed.
February 2025