Alderton Village Newsletter - September 2023Note from Editor: Well, that was the Summer that never happened, wasn’t it? Good luck to everyone starting the new academic year and well done parents for getting through the holidays! There is the Produce Show coming up, so see what’s been growing and maybe think about getting an allotment. Chris Beardshaw is visiting the Gardening Club to inspire you even more. Plus, it’s Harvest Festival this month. Because there is so much news, I don’t have space to advertise businesses I’m afraid. I believe you can add yourself to the website. Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: 1. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS [email protected] PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT- Land South of Dibden Lane [26 affordable houses] There are still some reports missing so consideration of the application by Tewkesbury’s Planning Committee remains delayed. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [was 55 houses, now 48 houses] Tewkesbury Borough Council have decided that there is not a sufficient case to pursue a judicial review to the High Court. The next stage therefore is to await the full Planning Application and comment accordingly. The only immediate activity in the field relates to archaeological excavation. The Daily Express revisited Alderton to hear from residents and the Parish Council about their huge disappointment with the Inquiry outcome. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [Now 48 houses] The proposal has been revised and the number of houses reduced from 56 to 48. The Parish Council have already indicated to Tewkesbury Planning that this does not remove their concerns about the application and will be submitting a further objection to confirm this. The proposal may go to the October Planning Committee. 23/00720/FUL- Land adjacent to 22 St Margaret’s Road, proposed dwelling and altered access. Allotments – there was further discussion about new tenancy agreements with a representative of the Allotments Association. These are close to finalisation. There was also discussion about improvements in security, the need for a compostable toilet and additional standpipes. Playing Field – both Tewkesbury Athletic and Ashton FC have confirmed use of the pitch in the coming season. Cala Development – posts along Willow Bank Road have now been removed but the Parish Council is trying to ascertain the final position. Contributions to the village from permitted developments [known as Section 106 or CIL payments] – there was some preliminary discussion about this and a representative from the Village Hall Committee updated the Council on progress with plans for improvements to the Hall. All enquiries/ correspondence to the Parish Council should be sent to [email protected] DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING at 7pm, 19 September in the Village Hall. 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS ALDERTON 5K RUN, SAT 16TH SEPTEMBER 2023, 11AM START Alderton's fast, flat (ish!) and super-friendly run last year raised a record £2,737, every penny of which went to Alderton Acorns. The course is ideal for clocking a good time and we welcome all runners from complete beginners to experienced club runners. Find out more and enter online at WARNING OF TRAFFIC DISRUPTION: PLEASE AVOID BECKFORD ROAD Our paramount concern is for the safety of our 200 runners and we'd appreciate if local residents could please keep Beckford Road towards Beckford clear of cars and use an alternative route. The course starts at the Gardeners Arms, goes past Great Washbourne then turns back to the finish on Alderton Playing Field. Access to Beckford Road will be limited at the following times:
ALDERTON VILLAGE PRODUCE AND CRAFT SHOW, SAT 9th SEP, VILLAGE HALL The show schedule is now available on the Alderton Village website at ![]() Growers and sewers, bakers and makers. Have you thought about what you could enter in the upcoming show? There are lots of different classes to suit everyone. The show schedule is available on the village website or paper copies are available from Sian. Please make sure all your entry forms are delivered to Sian at 28 Beckford Road by 8pm on Friday 8th September. On the morning of the show, doors open to exhibitors at 8:30am and judging begins at 10:30am. Viewing admission to the hall is from 1pm and it is FREE to come along and view the exhibits with the Presentation of Trophies and Prizes at 2.30pm. Do come along and see what a talented community we have in Alderton. Refreshments will be on sale. If you need any more details, contact Sian Tryner on 620906/07790 342157 [email protected] GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson/Tom Cullimore For our August meeting we welcomed expert plant propagator and nurseryman Andy Pedrick. Andy also writes a column in the Vale Magazine and trained at Pershore Institute of Horticulture. Andy presented his propagation workshop complete with plant cutting material, pots of compost, rooting powder and secateurs! He took us through the many different types of cutting and how to prepare them. He uses straight peat or coir fibre mixed 50% with perlite. Andy said that the compost doesn't need too much firming but needs to be level so a tap with pot on a hard surface will do the trick. Our speaker also stressed the importance of maintaining humidity around the leaves whilst growing the cutting and cutting larger leaves down to lessen the amount of water loss through them. The talk was delivered with many stories from his long time in horticulture and with much humour. After taking a few questions it was then time for the audience to have a go and under Andy's supervision they had a twenty-minute opportunity with much obvious enthusiasm to take their own cuttings. It was a fabulous evening of practical horticulture delivered by a top man practicing his expert trade. There was a lovely buzz of happiness in the hall throughout the evening. Two of our members Bill & Sophie Treen were celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary, so a congratulatory announcement was made and a round of applause followed. Next month on September the 14th we welcome Chris Beardshaw to the club. A 110 ticket sell out, with his talk titled "100 plants that almost changed the world" it should be another memorable occasion. If you don't have a ticket, then sadly you won't be able to attend. For those of you who do, then please arrive a little earlier to avoid congestion at the village hall entrance whilst your tickets are being processed. Doors open at 6.45 for a 7.30 p.m start. VILLAGE HALL NEWS MONTHLY COFFEE MORNINGS The monthly coffee mornings continue on the first Saturday of each month, 10-12pm.
Help is always needed at 9am to put up tables and 12 to put them away! Free cake in return for your kindness. SAVE THE DATE! New Year’s Eve Party, Village Hall Don’t want to fork out for an expensive taxi on New Year’s Eve, then join us for the party of the year. The band is booked, the DJ is primed, the decorations are divine. Cash bar and great buffet dinner. 8pm – 12.30am. Adults Only . Tickets will be £25/head. [email protected] [email protected] ALDERTON VILLAGE STORE Yari 01242 620201 Yari is back around the 15th September. ALLOTMENTS ASSOCIATION PRODUCE BENCH This is an invitation to all fellow plot holders and residents from the village to come and help themselves to our SURPLUS fruit and vegetables which is displayed on the Produce Bench. The bench is located in the orchard area next to the planted flower barrow. (Left hand side of main track from the gate just before the first parking area) Surplus produce will be displayed for the next few weeks starting this Friday afternoon, 1st September. Obviously, it goes without saying, no other produce to be taken from the allotments. ENJOY! SAUSAGE SIZZLE At 5.00pm on Saturday 9 September, after the Produce Show and subject to good weather, the Allotment Association will be holding a Sausage Sizzle on site. If you are thinking about taking on an allotment but would like further information, it's a good opportunity to join us for an informal chat and a bit of a tour. The BBQ will be fired up on the furthest corner from the main entrance. You just need to bring your own sausage, bun and a drink! We hope to see some budding allotmenteers that evening. A range of plot sizes are currently available. If you can't make the Sizzle but are interested in taking a plot, please contact Cathie Bridges the Parish Clerk on [email protected]. ST MARGARET’S CHURCH ART EXHIBITION AND SALE AND FLOWER FESTIVAL We had a very successful double event at the end of July and want to thank everyone who came along and for their support and generosity at them. We had lots of positive comments and we were very lucky with the weather which allowed us to serve a range of refreshments outside. - hooray! Thank you to Nigel Roe for organising the Art Exhibition and to the artists and crafts people who exhibited and allowed their creativity to be sold and to Tania for her inspirational ideas to portray Alice in Wonderland as a Flower Festival. Not forgetting all the flower arrangers, refreshment providers and furniture movers - all very much appreciated. The commission from the sale of the art and craft items and refreshments served at the Flower Festival, the jam makers together with donations at both places made £1780.17 for the Church. Thank you also to those who contributed to the Gift Day - we really appreciate the support we have had from the Village at these events. The Church is due their five yearly Building Inspection in the autumn so the money raised will be very useful for any repair works that we have to carry out to ensure we keep the Village Church in a good condition. HARVEST There will be a Harvest Songs of Praise on Sunday September 24th at 10.30am when the Church will be decorated with autumnal colours and there will be an opportunity to sing your favourite harvest hymns. If you would like to buy any dried or tinned products to leave at Yaris (who should be back!) or brought to the Church - these will go to help people at the North Cotswold Food Bank. 3. CLUBS/CLASSES ALDERTON GOLF Alderton Golf has four events a year, one for each season and we take turns in helping to organise. Our society is for Alderton (and nearby) golfers of any gender and ability. Although prizes are awarded, the real aim is social and sporting fun. To play in the next event or to keep informed of future outings contact: Brian Spence [email protected] 07769182307 Mansel Healy [email protected] Nigel Roe 07762735165 PILATES Tina at [email protected] 07376051863 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISC
NEXT GREEN FIELDS TRUST GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE - 30TH SEPTEMBER 2023 Green Fields Trust ( on behalf of Gretton Solar Farm Limited have funded numerous small projects within Alderton over the last few years; solar panels on the playing field changing rooms, energy efficient lighting and remote controls in the village hall, outdoor and environmental education projects for Oak Hill School and Alderton Acorns and water butts and compost bins for the allotment committee - you see the sort of thing! The next funding application deadline is 30th September 2023 - go to the website for more information and application forms. Ken Roles (07729 845543) for the trustees ALDERTON RUNNERS IN GREAT NORTH RUN With less than 2 weeks to go until our Great North Run adventure starts, the postman has delivered our race numbers (see attached) which has added to the excitement/nerves. Recently I was up early to take advantage of the quiet lanes to run from Alderton to Bredon and back. Whereas Karen and her friend Vicky ran from Cleeve Hill through Winchcombe, to Beckford and back towards Alderton. I have also participated in the local Bugatti10k and Winchcombe 5k runs to break up the longer training miles. I was pleased with my times and more importantly remained injury free. Karen has however picked up a niggle with her knee, so has had to lay off for a few days. After the Great North Run I have 6 days to recover before running in our very own Alderton 5k (16th Sept). Please come along to support and cheer us on and I'll bring my GNR finishers medal with me. Our sponsorship for the Sue Ryder Hospice charity with cheques, pledges, and online donations currently stands at £350.00 We both want to thank everyone who have very generously contributed to this total. If you would like to support us and this amazing charity online please type in "Great North Run Karen Bowles" or (Steve Bowles) using Facebook and our official fundraising page should come up. You can text me on 07745 802072 and I will add your details to our sponsor sheet or just knock on 13, Beckford road, Alderton. I'll give you a final update on how we got on in the October newsletter. Thankyou, once again for all your enquiries, encouragement and support, sincerely, Steve and Karen Bowles. (A DIFFERENT!) ALDERTON RUNNER IN ROBIN HOOD HALF MARATHON On Sunday 24th September I am running a half marathon in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support. As part of my fundraising, I have created a raffle which I am selling tickets for at £10 each. There are 12 prizes in total, with the lowest value one worth £12. Please donate through my JustGiving Page If you would like to purchase a ticket. Pictures of the prizes will be uploaded over the Bank Holiday Weekend, or please email me at [email protected] for a prize list. Draw date will be after 5pm on Wednesday 20th September. Any tickets will be issued on the day in order of entrants due to lottery licence laws. Melanie Matthews. AGAINST BREAST CANCER Judith Humphreys I’m still collecting bras to raise money for Against Breast Cancer. If you have any old bras just pop them in a bag and leave it in my porch. The Headlands 41 Willowbank Rd WHAT’S ON IN SEPTEMBER Sat 2nd Moreton Show (Holly is showing 2 of her lambs we’ve all watched grow on our way up to the hill!) Sat 2nd 6pm. Comedy of Errors at Hailes Abbey. Sun 3rd Cheltenham Half Marathon Fri 8th / Sat 9th Bredon Cider Fiesta, Croft Farm Water Park Sat 9th Tour of Britain Cycle Race. Tewkesbury, Bishops Cleeve, Winchcombe… Gloucester (roads closed in Tewkesbury) Sun 10th Frampton on Severn Show Sat 23rd Evesham Sausage and Cider Festival Alderton Newsletter has a new email address for you to send your contributions. It is [email protected] Next newsletter deadline 25th August Comments are closed.
February 2025