Alderton Village Newsletter - April 20231. NOTE FROM EDITOR I know there are some super events planned in the village in the next couple of months, so please do support them as much as you can. Having recently returned to the village, it’s the sense of community and friendship that I missed and am so pleased to be a part of again. Alderton businesses: please send me a logo and brief description of you and what you offer…this will be added FREE at the end of the digital edition. You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: Mary Merheim 2. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Mike West - 1. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT- Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] Almost unbelievably another proposal on land where in recent years two proposals have been withdrawn. It remains important that villagers comment on these individual proposals. How to make your comments: WEBSITE – click “new planning applications” then “search for and comment on planning applications” and to add your comments you will need to register first and then search for the application using ref 23/00204/FUL OR EMAIL - You can email your letter/comments to [email protected] Please ensure you add ref 23/00204/FUL to the subject line. You’ll need to include your name and address (These are not published). OR IN WRITING including ref 22/00204/FUL Planning Department Tewkesbury Borough Council Gloucester Road Tewkesbury GLOS GL20 5TT Each Individual member can express a view and non-residents can also comment. Please comment as soon as possible. 2. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS continued... 2. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [was 55 houses, now 48 houses] This Public Inquiry is scheduled for 4th to 6th and 12th to 14th April. It will be a virtual event. All comments made [151 from villagers] are available to the Planning Inspector and the Parish Council will play a full role at the Hearing under what is called Rule Six Status. There will be an opportunity for villagers to speak during the Hearing and 14 have volunteered to give statements which will probably be heard on 4 April. The details we have had so far about watching this virtual event are: “Anyone can login to the Inquiry Link to the inquiry will be made available on 3rd April via” It is expected that villagers will be able to log in and log out of the event which is being hosted by Microsoft Teams. We will put onto the village “WhatsApp” group any further information we get. 3. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [56 houses] No further news at this time. Still waiting to go to Tewkesbury Planning Committee. 4. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land South of Beckford Road [35 houses] No application has been seen, as yet. 5. OTHER SMALL PLANNING APPLICATIONS
VACANCIES FOR PARISH COUNCILLORS: the closing date for nominations is 4 April 2023. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: This is likely to be in June. DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 18 April 2023 3. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS ALDERTON CORONATION STREET PARTY, SUNDAY 7TH MAY, FREE The village will be taking part in the The Coronation Big Lunch by holding a street party down Church Road and in the Village Hall. Villagers are invited to bring a picnic and join us for a shared lunch on some long tables. There will be cakes, ice cream and a bar, kids entertainments, music, and a big screen in the Village Hall for anyone who doesn't want to miss anything. There's no charge! The road will not be officially closed so residents can have access in and out. Any queries or offers of help to Mary Merheim, Sian Tryner or Mark Watts-Jones. GARDENING CLUB Phil Kitson This month’s speaker was a truly inspirational man Chris Evans BEM. He owns and runs Dundry Nurseries, where his charity project "The Butterfly Garden" is based. Chris started by giving us his family history and how his grandfather purchased it in 1947. Initially the four-acre nursery grew tomatoes, vegetable crops and bedding plants. Chris’s father joined the firm in the 1960s with Chris himself being involved from his childhood. Today the business is a thriving nursery and garden centre, famed for its excellent plants, seed potato selection and expert knowledge. The Butterfly Garden project started when 6 autistic children came to spend some time one afternoon at Dundry. They had such a great time, that news soon spread with many more similar children attending and trying their hand at gardening. The project grew with more covered facilities (sheds) springing up on the site. Woodworking classes became another option for people of all age groups with disabilities, mental health, life threatening illnesses, strokes, or suffering from bereavement and drug or alcohol problems. Recycling has been another part of the scheme including VHS video cassettes, plastic pots, dvd cases made into new products such as remembrance poppies. Funding comes in from donations and grants. The charity has 243 registered students with up to 60 on site at any one time. Chris received the BEM in 2014 in recognition of all that this project has given. After his talk Chris took a break, with Chairman Tom Cullimore giving his gardening jobs and tips for March, and latest club news. The bumper 12 prize raffle was drawn and a vote of thanks to our guest was proposed with much applause. Our next meeting is on Thursday April the 13th when we will welcome Ingrid Millington with a talk on Primulas and Auriculas. It is our 5th birthday anniversary meeting, so cake and drinks will be served to celebrate! ALDERTON ACORNS [email protected] This term, our little Acorns have had lots of fun learning about a range of different topics such as Healthcare, science week, national wildlife day, comic relief, world book day and much more! We have enjoyed learning about Spring and spotting signs of Spring all around and of course, we made sure our mothers were not forgotten with some lovely Mother’s Day cards. It’s always fun at Preschool Forest School on a Friday morning continues to be very popular and the children love exploring and getting messy. On St Patricks Day a Leprechaun even visited the Forest school site and left a rainbow trail leading to a pot of chocolate coins! Our drop in Toddler and Baby group is open every Friday during term time from 10- 11.30am. This group is open to all families and is a great way of socialising and meeting new families in a safe and nurturing environment, whilst enjoying a cup of tea and a slice of cake…what is not to love! We still have some spaces available at Preschool so if you are thinking of joining our group please get in touch. Phone Ellie on 07842 161159 (term time only) or email [email protected] OPEN MORNING: Saturday 29th April 10-11.30am. Come along and see our new layout, have a free coffee and cake and sign up with us! If you would like to book a space could you please send us a message/email and we will get back to you. COMMUNITY TABLE TOP SALE, SAT APRIL 22nd VILLAGE HALL NEWS Judith Humphreys and Sarah Hughes Come and enjoy delicious homemade cakes - coffee and walnut, chocolate, lemon drizzle, traybakes, muffins with a pot of tea or cafetière of coffee - on Saturday 1st April, 10am till 12 noon in the Village Hall. And a raffle too! Proceeds go to much needed Village Hall funds. [email protected] [email protected] Also we are in the process of updating the VH website and details will follow shortly. OAK HILL PRIMARY SCHOOL March has been an incredibly busy month at Oak Hill with trips, fundraisers and competitions challenging the pupils. We started the month with our Read For Good Readathon. We raised £212.90 which will enable Read For Good to continue to bring the magic of books and stories to children in hospital as well as a percentage of the total coming back to us to put towards some new books for each class. All of the children who took part received certificates in our celebration worship and one person from each year group who read the most got to pick a book to take home and enjoy. Elm Class had a wonderful trip to Stratford-upon-Avon, to visit the MAD Museum and Butterfly Farm. The children enjoyed watching the exhibits and learning about mechanical design and CAMs. Many were particularly enthusiastic with the magnetic marble wall and spent time constructing elaborate routes for their marbles to traverse. After a packed lunch outside by the river, they appreciated the warm environs inside the Butterfly Farm. Our guide was most informative and the children all left with an improved understanding of these creatures. All in all, a successful day out. We welcomed Darren from Sporting Dreams into school for the day. Each class participated in two separate sessions: fencing in the morning and archery in the afternoon. It was a terrific day and the feedback we received from the children was very positive. As a Thrive School, we use all sorts of approaches to support our children’s health and mental well-being, with gardening being a particular focus. We have replanted sweet pea and garden pea seedlings as the roots were growing out of the pot. The children began by planting the sweet pea seedlings in a circle in the raised bedding area with the broad beans growing out the back of the school and the garden peas were planted in a big pot. The groups then constructed a wigwam for the peas to climb up as they grow. One of the groups then planted the chitted 'Charlotte' potatoes in a bag and then the vegetables and plants were given a good drink. Yet again, there was some amazing teamwork and all the children were excited to see just how much they had grown since the start of therapeutic gardening last September. We were also shocked and fascinated to see that one of our daffodils had developed eleven heads! The K’nex challenge took place on the 20th of March 2023. The competition level was tough due to our opponents astonishing teamwork and creativity. With the theme of recycling sorter we had a clear idea after a few minutes of working on our build. We had struggled to get both claws in place to make a functioning machine. Even though we didn't exactly finish we made our plan work as we only missed a few small details. We were informed to make a name for our construction and we decided upon the name: the POG factory, standing for Plastic, Organics, Glass. At the end of the 50 minutes everybody gathered round as the winners were announced. Runners up were Lola and Alana with an amazing build, but the 1st place was announced and we heard our names and started to smile! Report on this by Harris and Elliott. A big well done to Alana, Mark and Megan for representing Oak Hill at the District Oracy Competition. Alana did a 2 minute talk on cats, Mark spoke about Numbers and Megan spoke about chickens. All 3 of them spoke confidently, fluently and enthusiastically about their chosen subject. They were amazing and we are looking forward to taking part again next year. If you are interested in finding out more about all the amazing things that we do at Oak Hill, please do get in touch. CALA URGES CHILDREN TO ‘STAY SAFE, STAY AWAY’ FROM BUILDING SITES -Homebuilder highlights child safety during school visit- Cala Cotswolds recently visited Oak Hill Church of England Primary School in Alderton, Gloucestershire to talk to children about the homebuilding industry and educate them about the dangers of playing in and around construction sites. The reception, year 1 and 2 class enjoyed an interactive session which covered the history of building houses as well as the variety of fantastic and varied career opportunities within the industry, but there was also a stark warning about the dangers of going into construction areas unsupervised. Matt Stubberfield, Health & Safety Manager for Cala Cotswolds, visited the Oak Hill C of E pupils to discuss how Cala keeps its nearby Alder Green development safe, with children able to try on a range of protective clothing and watch a video specially created by Cala to help highlight some of the hidden dangers that can be found on building sites. Stay Safe, Stay Away also provides a range of curriculum-based activities including designing a site safety poster and writing a news article. The initiative is a core part of Cala Cotswolds Community Pledge, the housebuilder’s newly launched commitment to bring meaningful investment to its local communities. Matt said: “The Stay Safe, Stay Away programme is designed to spread the message to children that construction sites are not somewhere to play around. Although we ensure all Cala sites are secure, it’s important young people know the dangers of entering a construction area, so they don’t put themselves or their friends in harm’s way. “The message is a serious one however we hope that our animated film, presentation, and the activities are fun and allow children to relate to the topic. “Another aim of this initiative is to bring to life at grassroots level how new homes are developed and the important role that housebuilders play in creating sustainable new communities. It was also great to highlight the great variety of jobs involved in building homes, from land buying and construction to sustainability, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. “It was a fantastic session, and the children were incredibly enthusiastic and engaged with Stay Safe, Stay Away – we hope they take lots away from the session.” Adam Greaves, Headteacher at Oak Hill Church of England Primary School added: ‘The children really enjoyed meeting Matt and learning all about site safety, they especially enjoyed testing out the protective clothing! Who knows, maybe we have some budding homebuilders in our midst.’ GARDENERS ARMS Get 20% off takeaways on Fridays 20% off drinks on Saturday for ‘Happy Night’ Lovingly made Sunday lunches CHURCH NEWS Easter flowers: anyone who would like to help, please come along on Easter Saturday, April 8th starting at 10am. Easter Monday April 10th - why not come and enjoy a full Afternoon Tea in Alderton Village Hall from 2.30 to 4.30pm, to make a special end to the Easter celebrations? The tea will include savoury bites, finger sandwiches, scones with cream and jam and a selection of homemade cakes, served on vintage china. The price will be £12 with Prosecco or £10 without and £5 for children under 10 years. The money raised will go to the Church’s upkeep. For tickets, contact Sarah H on 07989 048123 or Helen W on 07941 373030 or email [email protected] Saturday May 13th: Matthew Clayton and his Severn’s Eight Chamber Choir are kindly singing at a Concert in Church to raise money for it. There is a paying bar and drinks will be served from 6.30pm and the concert will start at 7pm with canapés will be served at the end of the singing. Tickets will be available from Helen 07941 373030, Gill 07746 970438 and Sarah 07989 048123. ALDERTON ALLOTMENTS Alderton Allotment Association is keen to encourage anyone who may be thinking about taking on an allotment. There are a range of plot sizes currently available. We are a social, mud-spattered, produce-driven group of local residents who enjoy growing fruit and vegetables, and sharing successes and failures. If you are considering taking on a plot but would like to know more, please contact Lyn Court [email protected]. GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS Karen Cox The Great Washbourne Family Quiz, Saturday 15th April, 6.30pm – 10pm.
4. CLUBS ALDERTON GOLF SOCIETY The spring event will be at Stinchcombe Hill on Friday April 14th followed by a meal at the Gardeners Arms. The winner will get a trophy to keep until the each event. As always the aim is social and sporting fun. If you're a golfer of any standard, gender and live in the Alderton area contact Brian Spence by email [email protected] ALDERTON WANDERERS CRICKET CLUB Alderton has a prospering cricket club. We are a Wanderers team playing all away games in the local area. Our matches are in the 20/20 format and take place on a Wednesday from May-July (occasional game in Aug/Sept), add on a few socials and even the odd tour. Just to clarify, we always play to win but we also consider ourselves a social team where ability/capability/skill/talent take 2nd place to the enjoyment of getting involved. If it was any other way most of the current squad would never get selected!!!! Anyone interested just email me: [email protected] CRIBBAGE Paul Woodman (Captain), [email protected] Gardeners Arms hosted the doubles knockout cup competition, which was won by the Village Inn who beat Bredon Football Club 3-0 in the final. Unfortunately, the Gardeners team were knocked out in the first round. Thanks to Mike, Wendy and the staff of the Gardeners for hosting the night, which everybody thoroughly enjoyed. Our league position has not changed since the last newsletter, with three games remaining in the 2022-23 season. PILATES Mixed ability Pilates/Conditioning class. 6-7pm Fridays. Alderton Village Hall. Contact Tina at [email protected] 07376051863 Poster is featured in the businesses section at the end 5. AROUND THE AREA OVERBURY CRICKET CLUB Rob Hayden Overbury Cricket Club are looking for new senior and junior players of all abilities. Indoor preseason nets start soon at Winchcombe. Sundays 1pm to 3pm for juniors. Tuesdays 8pm to 9.30pm. First session free for new players. Men, Women, boys, girls all welcome. We run a league Saturday team, a midweek and Sunday friendly team. We also have a thriving junior section, with U11, U13 and U15 teams. For more information call or text Rob Hayden on 07527 340320. Or email [email protected] TAI CHI Classes available in Winchcombe and surrounding areas. New beginners group on Tuesdays. For full details see or contact Olly on 0750 8686315 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS EVESHAM BAT CARE Aimmie Woodman I would just like to thank everyone for all their donations of oral care Terracycle items and stamps for Evesham Bat Care over this past year. We managed to raise £150 through these donations, which helped cover a lot of our equipment and mealworm costs, and allowed us to rescue a total of 79 bats. We really appricate all of the help and support you have given us. As a reminder, the white box is round the side of 12 Orchard Road for donations. On Tuesday 11th April the Queen Elizabeth Inn in Elmley Castle are hosting a charity pub quiz for us. They have hosted a couple of events for us in the past and they have always been a fun evening out. They also have a fish and chip meal deal on offer. It's usually very busy, so I'd recommend booking a table, and we hope to see you there. PARKING ON PAVEMENTS Please can people not park on the pavements. This is a particular problem in Beckford Road when there are activities happening at the playing field. It is great that there is more happening, especially the football coaching for young people, but if those attending could not block the paths for people with disabilities/ pushchairs and young children on bikes. Comments are closed.
February 2025