Alderton Village Newsletter - February 2024Note from Editor: I am rewriting this having lost the whole thing after spending an afternoon on it. Yes, there is, it appears, a limit to my technology skills! Thankfully it gives people a little more time to add a contribution. The forecast for February seems reasonably mild at the moment….not too much ice hopefully. I gather we have lambs in the fields by the village. What a wonderful nod to Spring coming already. However, I’ve had a request to mention PLEASE wear something hi viz when out at dusk/night especially where there is no pavement as on Dibden Lane. Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: 1. ALDERTON PARISH COUNCIL / [email protected] PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road, near stream bridge [up to 9 houses] Some better news on planning. The application for Permission in Principle has been refused by Tewkesbury Borough Council.. The Parish Council had submitted an objection. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENTS Land West of Willow Bank Road [ 48 houses] Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [48 houses] No further news on any of these three. TEWKESBURY GARDEN COMMUNITIES PROJECT The Parish Council has a representative on the Parish Council Liaison Group which has a consultative role in relation to what was previously known as the Tewkesbury Garden Town project. DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STRATEGIC PLAN The Parish Council have just been notified that Cheltenham Borough Council, Gloucester City Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council are consulting on a new Strategic and Local Plan (SLP). The SLP will cover the three council areas and “provide a new plan to deliver growth, manage development and protect our unique historic and natural environment.” There is now a consultative phase lasting until 12 March. A website has been set up SLP website. The Parish Council will obviously be investigating further and making an input. VILLAGE HALL The Parish Council agreed to use levy money associated with previous housing developments to fund a survey into improvements to the village hall. PLAYGROUND The Parish Council are obtaining quotes for fencing off the Children’s Play Area. DEFIBRILLATOR The Council are applying for a grant to partially fund the installation of a second defibrillator in the village at the Playing Field. The first is in the Cambridge Square phone box. All enquiries/ correspondence to the Parish Council should be sent to [email protected]. Documents relating to the Parish Council can be viewed on DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING at 7pm, 20 February 2024 in the Village Hall 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWSWelcome to new residents, wherever you live in the village. This newsletter is published monthly and tells you what’s going on. The village website is at and on Facebook at We also have various WhatsApp groups:
To join the first two message Mark on 07973 963539 or email [email protected]. To join the chat and women’s group message Mary on 07826 019476 GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS Karen Cox / 01242 620633 Some dates to put in your diary, with more details to follow: FAMILY FUN QUIZ - Saturday 27th April, 6.30pm in St Mary’s church ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING - Monday 29th April, 7.30pm in St Mary’s church SUMMER SUPPER - Friday 27th June, 6.30pm VILLAGE HALL NEWS [email protected] / [email protected] COFFEE MORNINGS REGULAR COFFEE MORNING - Saturday 3rd February. The Soup and Pudding event planned for this date has regretfully had to be cancelled. In its place we will be running our usual Coffee Morning from 10-12. Come along and enjoy our delicious homemade cakes and catch up with friends CANINE COFFEE MORNING Saturday 2nd March – Canine Coffee Morning. Well behaved dogs on leads welcome. GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson/Tom Cullimore The 50th meeting of The Alderton Gardening club and the start of our 2024 programme. Our guest speaker was, from Worcester, Mr Robin Pearce. Robin delivered an informative talk on the growing of Dahlias, plants which he has been growing since his childhood. Our guest has worked with the RHS as a floral judge and as the national chairman of their herbaceous plant committee. He has also exhibited Dahlia flowers all his life, being a national champion in several categories. Robin described where Dahlias originated from, how they arrived in Europe and how to grow them. His talk covered all the main types of cultivars, and their merits and disadvantages. He also illustrated how to incorporate them effectively in a garden border. He covered their pests and diseases and the aftercare that is required after flowering. The amount of available flowering types and colours has really increased over the last couple of decades making Dahlias a reliable means of providing a wonderful show of late summer/early autumn vibrancy in our gardens. After speaking for an hour Robin took questions from the fifty strong audience and provided some helpful Dahlia fact sheets. Chairman Tom then took over and gave out some club news, including the supply of seed potatoes and compost for the members and details of two trips that the club have planned in 2024 to several interesting gardens. He then spoke about gardening jobs and tips for January. Robin drew the seven prize raffle, followed with a vote of thanks for his excellent talk. It was good to see so many members renewing their memberships and new people joining for the first time. Tickets for Christine Walkden (June 13th meeting) also saw a brisk trade, with over a third of the total already sold! Next meeting: Lottie Allen, the head gardener of Hidcote Manor, "From Cornwall to the Cotswolds" Thursday February 8th All welcome 7pm for 730pm start. £3 members, £6 non-members ST MARGARET'S CHURCH MOTHERING SUNDAY - March 10th at 10.30am This will be a relaxed Café Church service. IN MEMORY If you would like to have a hymn book labelled in memory of someone you have loved and lost and make a donation, please contact Helen West – 620587 or [email protected] BOOKS Don’t forget there are books available to buy in the Church Porch and at the back of the Church – adults and some children’s – all priced 50p. Donations of good quality books welcome but in small quantities please. Many thanks for all donations and purchases. CHURCHYARD TIDY UP - Saturday March 16th Starting at 10.00am. We would love to have help with this to ensure that our Churchyard is an attractive and tidy place to be and enjoy. It has even been positively mentioned in a national newspaper! THE GARDENERS ARMS LIVE 6 NATIONS RUGBY on our screens BOOK CLUB – 5th February from 7pm QUIZ NIGHT 8th February from 7pm – and every 2nd Wednesday of each month We are doing PANCAKES on 13th February for Shrove Tuesday Call us to book a table for breakfast on CHELTENHAM RACE WEEK! LADIES NIGHT every Thursday. Buy two glasses of wine and get the rest of the bottle FREE! BREAKFAST CLUB every Friday and Saturday ALL DAY FREE tea & coffee! SPECIAL VALENTINES DAY menu on 14th February – available on 14th only. (see attached menu, plus vegan menu) ALDERTON VILLAGE SHOP & POST OFFICE Yari / 01242 620201 Due to a hospital appointment (for a minor operation) and post operation rest, I have to have a few days off. Therefore, the Post Office will be closed from 16/2/2024 for few days. The shop, however, will stay open and (by popular demand) Trisha would be helping me run the shop. Hopefully you should still be able to get your newspapers, fresh milk ,eggs, bread & other essentials from your local shop. I am sorry for any inconvenience it may cause. Yari ALDERTON ALLOTMENTS As the days get slightly longer and the weather improves, it may be that some of you are thinking about growing fruit and veg but don't really have room in your gardens. There are plots available at the allotments, in a range of sizes and for very reasonable rents. It is a friendly environment with lots of advice on hand for novice growers, and we're just as happy to welcome experts! If you are interested in joining us, please email [email protected] for general information, or [email protected] to enquire about plot availability. 3. CLUBS/CLASSESOVERBURY BOWLING CLUB [email protected] Join us, we are always recruiting! Do you want: Social bowls? Competitive sport? Improved health? To meet new people? Come along Mondays 5.30 -7pm or Wednesdays 10am -12noon Equipment provided to get you started. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISCELLANEOUSEVESHAM BAT CARE Aimmie Woodman 12 Orchard Road, 620373 Thank you for all your support in 2023, we rescued 69 bats last year, including a number of babies that we hand reared and successfully released. Your Terreacycle donations really help us raise the funds we needed to buy food for all those bats, so thank you for all your donations. There have been some changes to our Terracycle scheme. We can still accept the following
However, we cannot accept the following
The white bin will still be under the carport at Number 12, so if you have any donations feel free to drop them off anytime. Thank you once again RENETWORK TREASURER WANTED I live in the village and lead a growing national educational organisation committed to supporting high quality religious education in schools of all sorts. This is a non-charitable, unincorporated association, and we are looking for someone with a little time willing to volunteer their services as Treasurer. As there is no payroll and no tax returns, nor reporting to the Charity Commissioners, this task is relatively straightforward for someone who is organised and good with numbers. If you would like to know more, with no obligation, please email me at [email protected] and check our website, . Richard Coupe SIMON LUCAS To all our Friends and Neighbours, Following on from our last note we would like to say that we have now completed our ‘Where’s the Finish’ Half Marathon in aid of St Richard’s Hospice. They are a wonderful charity who cared for our dear son Simon in his last few days. We have been overwhelmed with the donations so far but if anyone would like to donate (it’s not too late) via the go fund me website (The Legend Simon Lucas) All monies raised go to the charity……from the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU SUBMITTED BY A VILLAGER IF YOU WISH TO OBJECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT ON DIBDEN LANE Application for 26 “affordable homes” and associated works Already described by TBC Conservation Officer as a “BIZARRE collection” of buildings. The Cotswolds AONB officer voices strong objection at this ELEVATED site. Winchombe Way organiser made an objection. Conservation officer noted harm to a setting and the historic core of the village. Gloucestershire Constabulary have concerns about the design and Layout. Locals have noted worries that the traffic speed survey was conducted at the WRONG location and commenced on the day of the Queen’s state funeral - National holiday. Dibden Lane has no formal passing places and is popular with dog walkers, walkers of the Winchcombe Way, cyclists and has 2 equestrian facilities. Highway safety is paramount followed by the visual effect on our beautiful (and in theory protected) landscape at this elevated site. Send objections ASAP to [email protected] NOTING APPLICATION REF 23/00204/FUL No limit to number of objections per household. 5. WHAT’S ON?20th Jan – 29th Feb Snowdrops at Painswick Rococo Garden 30th Jan – 10th Feb Six the Musical, The Everyman, Cheltenham 2nd Feb – 20th Feb GAIA sculpture of plant Earth, Tewkesbury Abbey 6th Feb – 7th April Wildlife Photographer of the Year (on loan from National History Museum), Nature in Art 13thFeb – 15th Feb Lambing Live, Court Farm Shop, Bishops Cleeve 13th Feb– 18th Feb Stage version of The Shawshank Redemption, The Everyman, Cheltenham 10th Feb Cotswold Farm Park opens for the year 15th Feb – 18th Feb Sow and Grow, half term activity at Webbs, Bishops Cleeve Alderton Newsletter has a new email address for you to send your contributions. It is [email protected]
Next newsletter deadline 25/ 02/ 24 Comments are closed.
February 2025