Alderton Village Newsletter - January 2024Note from Editor: Belated Happy New Year!!! It’s a very wet and windy start to the year so I hope everyone is coping OK. What a December we had in the village! The pub’s Christmas Quiz and roast dinner was fabulous. Then they hosted lots of Christmas Parties, Christmas Day Dinner and coped with the wet and muddy players and spectators from the traditional Charity Football Match. The festivities didn’t stop there with Christmas coffee mornings in the Village Hall and the Christingle, outdoor carols and Christmas service at the church. Finally we had the New Year’s Eve Party at the Village Hall….another awesome event. January promises to be quieter. There are still clubs and societies doing their thing though, so no time to rest! Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: 1. ALDERTON PARISH COUNCIL / [email protected] PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road, near the stream bridge. The Parish Council have received a new planning application for up to 9 houses on land west of Willow Bank Road. This is the land to the right immediately beyond the stream bridge heading out of the village, with the sewage pipe crossing through the site. The application is for Permission in Principle. This is a process which establishes whether the site is suitable in principle and is followed by a later stage where the detailed development proposals are assessed. The Parish Council will be objecting to this proposal. Key issues in considering such an application relate to location, land use and amount of development. To make your comments: WEBSITE – click “new planning applications” then “search for and comment on planning applications” and to add your comments you will need to register first and then search for the application using ref 23/01148/PIP OR EMAIL - You can email your letter/comments to [email protected] Please ensure you add ref 23/01148/PIP to the subject line. You’ll need to include your name and address (These are not published) OR IN WRITING including ref 23/01148/PIP Planning Department Tewkesbury Borough Council Gloucester Road Tewkesbury GLOS GL20 5TT Each Individual member rather than just households can express a view and non-residents can also comment. Please comment as soon as possible. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [Now 48 houses] No further news. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT- Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] Consideration of the application by Tewkesbury’s Planning Committee remains delayed. The Parish Council is arguing rejection on a number of grounds. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [was 55 houses, now 48 houses] The Parish Council still awaits details of the full Planning application. Village Hall – tThe Parish Council received a further report from the Village Hall Committee. The Committee are identifying different options ranging from repair/ improvements to more substantial redevelopment. Community Infrastructure Levy payments – tThe Parish Council are/will be receiving funding from developers of Cala 2, Land South of Saint Margarets Drive and Land West of Willow Bank Road for Community infrastructure improvements. The amounts received relate to the size of the development and are enhanced because Alderton has a Neighbourhood Plan. Payment is associated with development reaching a particular stage of build. The Parish Council will be consulting with the village on use of this money. Road Closure – St Margarets Road, 7 February, 09.30 to 15.30. All enquiries/ correspondence to the Parish Council should be sent to [email protected]. Documents relating to the Parish Council can be viewed on DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING at 7pm 16 January 2024 in the Village Hall. 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWSWelcome to new residents, wherever you live in the village. This newsletter is published monthly and tells you what’s going on. The village website is at and on Facebook at We also have various WhatsApp groups:
To join the first two message Mark on 07973 963539 or email [email protected]. To join the chat and women’s group message Mary on 07826 019476 VILLAGE HALL NEWS [email protected] / [email protected] Coffee Mornings Our next ‘Coffee Morning’ is on Saturday 3rd February. This time there will be home-made soup with rolls. Final details will be on social media/WhatsApp and posted around the village. Looking further forwards: there will be the customary cream teas on Easter Monday (1sr April!) Again, more details to follow but put it in your diaries. New Year’s Eve Party Thanks go to: Julie Rayton for the wonderful mains and desserts; Inertia for getting us (almost) all dancing and Rob Hayden for keeping us dancing and seeing us into the New Year! The whole Village Hall Social Committee pulled every single stop out to make the evening run flawlessly before, during and after the event. Special mention must go to Sian Tryner for her leadership and planning, Sarah Westgate for coordinating the decoration and Mark Watts-Jones as bar manager. Final thank yous go to the army of volunteers who helped set up and clear away. By 1pm on New Years Day you wouldn’t have known there’d been over 100 people partying til late the night before….only the recycling bins would have given it away. Villagers old (!) and new, young and not so young enjoyed an evening of true Alderton spirit. Thank you to everyone who came and just made it awesome! GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson/Tom Cullimore Well what fantastic way to end another successful year for the club. A year when our membership broke through the 100 barrier for the first time, and a year when we welcomed a serious 'A lister' in horticulture...Chris Beardshaw in September. The last meeting of 2023 was equally fantastic and at times emotional as we welcomed back our great friend Reg Moule who launched our club in 2018. In recognition of his help, advice and support he has become our first honorary member. Reg answered a great number of gardening questions from the 70 strong audience. Topics ranged from the box tree moth caterpillar, extending the cropping seasons on runner beans, fungal problems with lilacs; to what soil is required in raised beds. Our members and guests tucked into some great food expertly laid on by our secretary Julie Alvis. The wine flowed all evening with Reg and Tom on the alcohol free beer! The raffle had a bumper 20 prizes, and Reg said he has never drawn such a big one. Congratulations to Nick Andrews for winning a year's free membership with the last draw. The bottle of malt whiskey was won by John Kettle...good to see it going to a good home! The programme for 2024 was read out and what a stellar cast it is. The current head gardeners of Hidcote and Kiftsgate will be joining us along with 3 three separate speakers who have gardened for the King at Highgrove. Old favourites such as Katherine Kear and Duncan Coombes will be returning as well. The headline act though will be Christine Walkden who will be coming on June the 13th. Reg had a good night with his book sales with 14 handbooks being sold...a record. Thank you to everyone who has attended our meetings in 2023, and thank you to all of the committee members who give so much of their time to this great club. We kick off 2024 on Thursday January the 11th our 50th meeting with a visit from expert plantsman Robin Pearce with a talk on dahlias. Membership subscriptions are due in January, and tickets for Christine Walkden will be on sale as well..see you there! All welcome 7pm for 7.30pm start. £3 members, £6 non-members ST MARGARET'S CHURCH Christmas Fair: it It was great to see this so well attended and there was a lovely atmosphere in the Village Hall so thank you to all who came to support it and who provided items for the stalls. The Fair made a fantastic amount - £2,734.90 and this will be so helpful for the work we need to do following the 5five year Church building survey. Candleit Carol Service and Christingle : tThis was held as the daylight was going at 4pm and the Church looked beautiful with all the flower decorations and candlelight. Again we had a really good attendance and people enjoyed singing the Christmas carols. We raised an excellent £306 on behalf of the Children’s Society - so once again thank you for your generosity in supporting the work of this charity. Churchyard Carol Singing : iIt didn’t rain so we were able to enjoy singing carols outside lit by lamps and candles. People chose the carols they wanted to sing and afterwards we went inside to enjoy the refreshments. Hot dogs, mince pies, mulled wine and hot chocolate! Donations were asked for two charities - the Alzheimer’s Society and Unicef. The collection raised £231.15 which has been divided between the two - again - many thanks indeed. THE GARDENERS ARMS LADIES NIGHT every Thursday (Starting in the New Year from 11th January). Buy two glasses of wine and get the rest of the bottle FREE! BREAKFAST CLUB every Friday from 10am – 2:30pm. FREE tea & coffee! Menu attached. KIDS EAT FREE every Saturday! Buy an adult main and get a kids main for free! Buy a bottle of wine and get 25% off a 2nd bottle (same wine) EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY GET A DESSERT FOR £5 when you buy an adult main – EVERY SUNDAY. 3. CLUBS/CLASSESBOOK CLUB
The books for December and January are Hamnet and Small Things Like These. You do not need to have read both (or either) to turn up to the next get together. February’s book is Hello Beautiful. Next meeting Tuesday 6th February at 7pm BOARD GAMES NIGHT Last Tuesday of every month starting November. Times TBC 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISCELLANEOUSCHARITY FOOTBALL MATCH
Mark Watts-Jones Very pleased to let you know that the football match raised a fantastic £1,740 which will be split between Vale Wildlife and North Cotswold Foodbank. Alderton Acorns also raised £160 from tea, cake and the barbecue. It’s a bit of fun but wouldn’t exist without the support of the village, so thanks to everyone who played, supported and contributed. We resurrected the traditional match in the early 2000’s and have raised over £20,000 for local and national charities. There’s more here: h PRAM RACE Mary Merheim [email protected] Now let’s resurrect another Alderton tradition. I….In n years gone by the maddest members of the community donned fancy dress in couples and pushed their own, unpowered, contraption around the village circuit. One member of the pair in the ‘pram’ and the other pushing…the only catch being they had to swap over halfway round! We had a children’s race as well as an adults one. Prizes all round, which used to be Easter Eggs so I think it was held on Easter Saturday? I’m happy to coordinate as long as everyone is will to sign a disclaimer that any injuries are not my fault!! (Our very own rival to Cheese Rolling.) 5. WHAT’S ON?6th – 7th Ice Swimming Championships, Cheltenham Lido . spectators free 13th Fleece Inn Wassail, Bretforton. Morris Dancers at 5.30pm, procession to orchard 7pm then music in the barn 16th Daytime Disco 1-4pm. Swing music & some blues, Watson Hall, Tewkesbury. Free event 25th Burns Night 27th Festival Trials, racing at Cheltenham 27th Tewkesbury Baby and Children’s Market 2-4pm, Wheatpieces Community Hall 30th Jan – 10th Feb SIX the Musical. Everyman Theatre Alderton Newsletter has a new email address for you to send your contributions. It is [email protected] Please do let me know of any events, groups in the village and surrounding areas. If you want to start a new group, just put it on here. Send me an image and a bio and I’ll put you in the business directory. Email me your hatched, matched and dispatched notices; anniversary/birthday wishes; thanks and anything in between. Next newsletter deadline 26/01/24 Comments are closed.
February 2025