Alderton Village Newsletter - June 2023Note from Editor: Well, weren’t we lucky with the weather for the Coronation Street Party? Good luck to the youngsters of the village taking exams this month. June has lots to offer: the longest day, Father’s Day, several events in Great Washbourne and lots of local events to Gloucestershire. It’s lovely to hear the village livening up with laughter and music in gardens as well as the smell of barbecues. Obviously, though, we have to be respectful of our neighbours. On this note I’ve had a message about ‘dog barking’ from someone on Willowbank Road who works from home and says “Last year it really spoiled my enjoyment of my home and garden almost leading us to want to move out of the village.” Let’s try and keep everyone (including the dogs!) happy. Alderton businesses: please send me a logo and brief description of you and what you offer…this will be added FREE at the end of the digital edition. You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: Mary Merheim 1. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS [email protected] NEW COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP Martin Davies and Paul Woodman were welcomed to their first Council meeting on 16 May. They join Nicki Broderick, Dennis Rayton, John Kettle and Mike West. There is one vacancy. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT- Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] A number of serious issues with this scheme have been raised with the Planning Officer dealing with the case – and it has been noted that several important reports have not to date been submitted. We have been advised by the Planning Officer that they have raised several concerns with the agent for the application and await their response. Once received we will be re-consulted and will notify everyone. To date 90 letters of objection have been received and we would encourage those who have not to date made their views known to send in their views. How to make your comments: WEBSITE – click “new planning applications” then “search for and comment on planning applications” and to add your comments you will need to register first and then search for the application using ref 23/00204/FUL OR EMAIL - You can email your letter/comments to [email protected] Please ensure you add ref 23/00204/FUL to the subject line. You’ll need to include your name and address (These are not published). OR IN WRITING including ref 22/00204/FUL Planning Department Tewkesbury Borough Council Gloucester Road Tewkesbury GLOS GL20 5TT Each Individual member rather than just households can express a view and non-residents can also comment. Please comment as soon as possible. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [was 55 houses, now 48 houses] We now await the outcome of the Inquiry. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [56 houses] No further news at this time. Still waiting to go to Tewkesbury Planning Committee. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land South of Beckford Road [35 houses] No application has been seen, as yet. 23/00344/FUL 6 Frampton Cottages. Demolition of rear single storey extension and erection of enlarged replacement. NEW PARISH CLERK We are pleased to welcome Cathie Bridges as our new Parish Clerk and responsible Finance Office. All enquiries/ correspondence to the Parish Council should be sent to [email protected] ANNUAL PARISH MEETING This was held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 24 May and much better attended than last year. Reports were made on events in 2022/23 and questions answered. A presentation was made to Keith Page and thanks given for 40 years of dedicated service to the Parish Council and the Village. Thanks were expressed for Councillors’ participation in the Public Inquiry. Thanks were also given to the 15 villagers who had spoken during proceedings. DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 20 June at 7pm in the Village Hall. 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS OAK HILL CE PRIMARY SCHOOL [email protected] The Spring Term is well under way at Oak Hill. There have been trips, clubs and sports competitions for the children to enjoy and our wonderful teachers have put so much effort into organising these for them. We celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III with a Coronation Crown Competition. The children made their crowns during the Easter holidays and we held the parade at the end of the SATs week. There were some wonderful creations and we were proud to see how much time and effort they had given to these. All classes have taken part in various sports events during the last month or so. Archery, gymnastics and multi sports have been great fun and has been really good to be taking part alongside other primary schools in Gloucestershire. Our Reception, Year 1 and 2 Class have been learning about the monarchy and castles and have built a fabulous castle in their play area. Year 3 and 4 have produced some wonderful artwork and have been developing their coding skills and our Year 5 and 6 children have learned a lot about parliament, politics and sewing! We have been running school clubs this term which have been really good fun. The children chose from basketball, gardening, art, coding and Italian. Our breakfast and after school clubs are really popular too with many children regularly booked in each week. It is really important to us that we provide excellent education for our children and support their emotional development and mental health. As a Thrive school we provide therapeutic gardening sessions as well as group and individual sessions for children. The children find these sessions really helpful and enjoyable. If you would like to find out more about our wonderful village school, or come and visit us, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. GARDENING CLUB Phil Kitson Our guest speaker for the May evening was Mark from Gotherington Nurseries who came for a practical talk on planting hanging baskets. Mark and his staff are exceptionally busy at this time of the year. So, the AGC were very grateful to him for making some time for us. Mark brought a huge array of basket plants from the nursery, as well as wire and wicker baskets. He uses Bulrush multipurpose compost with osmocote slow-release fertiliser to grow the basket plants in. For the wire baskets Mark prefers to use traditional moss rather than liners. He took us through the process of building each basket up; how to position the plants, and how to incorporate the compost and moss. We also learned about the maintenance and after care of them. Questions came in from the audience and a lively and often amusing answers and gardening conversation resulted. Tom asked Mark about the nursery, its history and how it works. It is a highly successful and well-run business that has grown from very basic and humble beginnings to the ever expanding, valued enterprise it is today. Mark built 4 baskets up and then offered them for auction at the meeting! £110 was raised for club funds, Mark also donated some prizes for the raffle. Tom delivered his gardening jobs and tips for May. A few club notices were given out, along with travel arrangements for our sold-out trip to RHS Wisley. The nine-prize raffle was drawn by Mark and a vote of thanks was given. Members were able to buy a range of basket plants from the nurseries. There was a fabulously happy atmosphere, it was another memorable AGC evening. A few tickets for An evening with Chris Beardshaw on the 14th of September are still available, email [email protected] This month we welcome Kevin Alviti who runs a self-sufficiency project in Herefordshire and he will give a talk about how to preserve the home-grown food harvest. Alderton Village Hall, 8th of June with a 7.30p.m start. ALDERTON ACORNS [email protected] We've had a wonderful fun filled month at Acorns, enjoying lots of garden fun and activities, making the most of the Spring sunshine. Our fabulous Forest School sessions are a real hit with our little acorns. Getting muddy and building dens are an all-time favourite, as well as discovering lots of exciting creatures hiding around the forest. Back at the hall, we’ve enjoyed lots of creative and role play fun using our many treasured as well as new preschool resources. Our acorns loved decorating their own tasty biscuits using coloured icing and lots of sprinkles, which they (hopefully) shared with their families! We cannot wait to see what the next month has in store for our little and big acorns. Did you know, we now take children from 2 years of age. If your child isn’t quite ready for Preschool, how about joining us at our regular drop in Toddler and Baby group, every Friday during term time from 10-11.30am. This group is open to all families and is a great way of socialising and meeting new families in a safe and nurturing environment, whilst enjoying a cup of tea and a slice of cake…what is not to love! If you would like to join our group please get in touch. We are now taking bookings for September. Phone Ellie on 07842 161159 (term time only) or email [email protected] VILLAGE HALL COFFEE MORNING, SAT 3rd JUNE, 10AM There will be a Coffee Morning in the hall on Saturday June 3rd, 10am - 12. Please come along to enjoy delicious homemade cakes with a pot of tea or coffee, and catch up with friends and neighbours. We are pleased to have received funding recently from Gretton Solar Farm Limited through Green Fields Trust for the purchase of a heating timer control which enables remote access to the heating. This means we can ensure that the heating is matched to hall use; this should ensure the hall is nice and warm for hirers during the colder months, whilst avoiding unnecessary energy use. We hope this will benefit all users of the hall. [email protected] [email protected] We are in the process of updating the VH website and details will follow shortly. ALDERTON VILLAGE STORE Yari 01242 620201 Don’t forget to use the shop! ALDERTON 5K RUN, SAT 16TH SEPTEMBER 2023, 11AM START Alderton's fast, flat (ish!) and super-friendly run this year will raise around £1,500 for Alderton Acorns. The course is ideal for clocking a good time and we welcome all runners from complete beginners to experienced club runners. Find out more and enter online at GARDENERS ARMS
ST MARGARET’S CHURCH SEVERN’S EIGHT We had a wonderful evening with this group of singers that was arranged by Matthew Clayton. The evening was very well attended and people thoroughly enjoyed the range of music that they performed for us. To fit in with the recent Coronation the theme they created was a Right Royal Pot Pourri including ranging from Tudor choral music, a song from Shakespeare’s the Tempest, Fields of Gold and Cole Porter. We raised £516 for Church funds. Many thanks to the Severn’s Eight for once again singing for us. ART EXHIBITION AND SALE AND FLOWER FESTIVAL, CHURCH AND VILLAGE HALL This will be on Saturday July 29th 10am to 4pm. The Art Exhibition will be in the Village Hall and will feature the work of local Artists. The paintings will be for sale so do bring some cash or a cheque book with you! The Flower Festival will be in Church and has the exciting theme of Alice in Wonderland. We will be serving refreshments in the Churchyard all day and there will be Pimms and other drinks available to celebrate summer! A card machine will be available to use in the Churchyard. The money raised will be for the upkeep of the Church. It will be really lovely to see you at this special event. Calling all young artists. Can you draw or paint a flower picture for our Art Exhibition on July 29th. All pictures will be displayed in the Village Hall. Prizes for the best entry. ART EXHIBITION AND FLOWER FESTIVAL – GARDEN IN A TEACUP As part of the Flower Festival on 29th July, we are inviting all youngsters to join in and create a Garden in a Teacup.
Contact Sian on 07790 342157 for help or more information about either competition. GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS Karen Cox TEA FOR TRUSSELL/COFFEE MORNING, FRIDAY 9TH JUNE, 10-12 NOON. This will be held in St Mary’s church in the village. All monies raised will be sent to Trussell Trust which is the British charity based in Salisbury that runs the national network of food banks, including the North Cotswold Foodbank that we support locally. CAFÉ CHURCH FOR FATHER’S DAY, SUNDAY 18TH JUNE, 10.30AM This is a service for the four Oak Hill parishes and will be held in St Mary’s church, Great Washbourne. Café church is an informal gathering for fellowship, fun and refreshments and is suitable for all ages. GREAT WASHBOURNE SUMMER SUPPER, FRIDAY 23RD JUNE, 6.30PM The Great Washbourne Summer Supper will be held on Friday 23rd June at 6.30pm in the garden of Great Washbourne House. Some local Cheltenham musicians will be providing us with light summer music during the evening. A supper of roast pork (veggie alternative available) and salads will be served with all the trimmings, and strawberries & cream for dessert. There will be a bar, raffle, tombola, cake stall and other entertainment. Do come and join us for what promises to be a great evening. Tickets will be available in advance from Jane (01242) 620291 or Karen (01242) 620633 or on the door: Adults £12, Children £6. This is our annual major village fundraiser and all proceeds will go to the church funds. ALDERTON VILLAGE PRODUCE AND CRAFT SHOW This year’s Village Show will take place on Saturday 9th September. It is a chance to showcase all the wonderful talent we have in the village. There will be lots of different categories to enter, including Fruit and Vegetables, Flowers, Art and Craft, Baking and various junior classes. The schedule is being prepared and this will be available in the summer. So, get growing, sewing, making, painting and creating. More details from Sian Tryner on 07790 342157 [email protected] 3. CLUBS/CLASSES CRIBBAGE Paul Woodman (Captain) The Gardeners Arms Crib Team ended the season as runners up in the Knockout Cup with a 11-14 defeat by the Anchor from Tewkesbury. In the league we finished 4th on 22 points, the league was won by the Cross Keys on 30 points. We had the league presentation night at Bredon FC where we collected our trophies, let’s hope for better things next season. ALDERTON GOLF Alderton Golf has four events a year. One for each season and we take turns in helping to organise. Our spring outing in April was at Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club and was followed by a meal and prize giving at the Gardeners Arms. 12 played and congratulations to clear winner Simon Finch.The next outing will be on Fri July 7th at the Vale Golf Club Evesham. Again, followed by a meal at the Gardeners Arms. Our society is for Alderton (and nearby) golfers of any gender and ability. Although prizes are awarded, the real aim is social and sporting fun. To play in the next event or to keep informed of future outings contact:- Brian Spence: [email protected] 07769182307 Mansel Healy: [email protected] Nigel Roe: 07762735165 PILATES
Alderton has a prospering cricket club. We are a Wanderers team playing all away games in the local area. Our matches are in the 20/20 format and take place on a Wednesday from May-July (occasional game in Aug/Sept), add on a few socials and even the odd tour. Just to clarify, we always play to win but we also consider ourselves a social team where ability/capability/skill/talent take 2nd place to the enjoyment of getting involved. If it was any other way most of the current squad would never get selected!!!! Anyone interested just email me: [email protected] 4. FURTHER AFIELD OVERBURY CRICKET CLUB Rob Hayden Overbury Cricket Club are looking for new senior and junior players of all abilities. Indoor preseason nets start soon at Winchcombe. Sundays 1pm to 3pm for juniors. Tuesdays 8pm to 9.30pm. First session free for new players. Men, Women, boys and girls are all welcome. We run a league Saturday team, a midweek and Sunday friendly team. We also have a thriving junior section, with U11, U13 and U15 teams. For more information call or text Rob Hayden on 07527 340320. Or email [email protected] TAI CHI Classes available in Winchcombe and surrounding areas. New beginners group on Tuesdays. For full details see or contact Olly on 0750 8686315 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISCELLANEOUS Alderton Newsletter has a new email address for you to send your contributions. It is [email protected]. Next newsletter deadline 24th June. ALDERTON BIN COLLECTION DATES Comments are closed.
February 2025