Alderton Village Newsletter - July 2023 Note from Editor: Well, we have had the news that the planning application for 48 houses off St Margaret’s Drive has been approved. The villagers came together to speak up against the developers but to no avail. It appears that because Tewkesbury Borough Council doesn’t have a ‘5 Year housing supply’ this counts against us and leads to the further expansion of our village. There have been some break ins to vans and sheds on the allotments recently. Please keeps things locked up, ensure your outside lights and cameras are working and report incidents or anything suspicious to the Police. In happier news, the Summer is well and truly here and schools will break up for their holiday this month. Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: 1. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS [email protected] PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [48 houses, including the demolition of 16 St Margaret’s Drive] The Planning Inspector has allowed the appeal and granted outline planning permission for 48 new houses and the demolition of 16 St Margaret’s Drive. The full appeal decision has been published on the village website in the Planning section or here: PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT- Land South of Dibden Lane [26 affordable houses]
We reported last month that a number of serious issues with this scheme have been raised with the Planning Officer dealing with the case – and it is still the case that several important reports have not to date been submitted. We were advised by the Planning Officer that they have raised several concerns with the agent for the application and as far as we know their response is still awaited. Once received we will be re-consulted and will notify everyone. To date 91 letters of objection have been received and there is still time for those who have not to date made their views known to send in their views. How to make your comments: WEBSITE – click “new planning applications” then “search for and comment on planning applications” and to add your comments you will need to register first and then search for the application using ref 23/00204/FUL OR EMAIL - You can email your letter/comments to [email protected] Please ensure you add ref 23/00204/FUL to the subject line. You’ll need to include your name and address (These are not published) OR IN WRITING including ref 22/00204/FUL Planning Department Tewkesbury Borough Council Gloucester Road Tewkesbury GLOS GL20 5TT Each Individual member rather than just households can express a view and non-residents can also comment. Please comment as soon as possible. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [56 houses] No further news at this time. Still waiting to go to Tewkesbury Planning Committee. PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land South of Beckford Road [35 houses] No application has been seen, as yet. 23/00429/FUL Glenbrook Farm, Gretton Fields, Gretton – Erection of first floor side extension and single storey and rear extension to create ancillary extension. Contractors – the Parish Council already has some excellent local contractors. It is likely that there will be an additional number of repair and maintenance jobs in the coming year and local contractors who might be interested are encouraged to register their details and the services they offer with the Parish Clerk at the email address below. Playing Field – unfortunately we have been informed that Alderton FC are no longer playing. We have, however, been approached by a team from Tewkesbury to use our facilities and have agreed to this. We have been given assurances about parking which should not be disruptive to local residents. Highways – we will be pursuing a number of issues raised by residents. Allotments – we expect shortly to be able to respond to a number of requests for plots. There are also some plots available. Please contact the Parish Clerk. All enquiries/ correspondence to the Parish Council should be sent to [email protected] DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 18 July at 7pm in the Village Hall. 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS OAK HILL CE PRIMARY SCHOOL [email protected] May and June have been busy months at Oak Hill CE Primary School. We have been fortunate to enjoy lovely weather and make the most of lessons outside, extra sports activities and gardening. Our Reception, Year 1 and 2 Class have been looking at the life cycle of frogs after discovering frogspawn in water in their lovely outside area. The children have been busy with assessments and reading The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. They produced some wonderful work and really enjoyed the book. Our Year 3 and 4 Class have been working hard creating some very descriptive writing and beautiful artwork. They have had assessments and been learning about Ancient Egypt. Year 5 and 6 have had a challenging few weeks with assessments, fitting in the remainder of the curriculum and Year 6 have been preparing for their Leaver’s Service which took place at Gloucester Cathedral. Our fantastic teachers have really enjoyed planning visits this term and work hard to create exciting and interesting lessons and experiences for our children. We are supported by our parents and governors as well as FOOHS, Friends of Oak Hill School. FOOHS very kindly paid for the whole school to attend the Cheltenham Science Festival in June. The children had a wonderful day taking part in experiments and activities and watching science come to life. Following the success of this visit, FOOHS have arranged for the children to attend the Cheltenham Literature Festival in October. We are a Thrive school and mental health and wellbeing support for our children and staff is very important to us. May was Walking Challenge Month where we encouraged children to walk as much as possible and explore different places with their families. This was such a success with a large number of children getting involved and sharing photos of some of the beautiful places they had walked. We have welcomed our 10 new Reception children in for their induction days this month. It will be lovely to see them settle and find their way around. As we head into the last few weeks of the summer term, end of year play rehearsals are well underway. School is full of singing, planning costumes and learning lines. We are very proud of our village school. If you have any queries or would like to visit, please do not hesitate to contact the office. GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson In June we welcomed from Colwall, Kevin Alviti for a talk titled "Preserving the Harvest". Kevin has a 5-acre small holding "An English Homestead" where he lives with his wife who is a school deputy head mistress and their three children. He is a skilled carpenter and in between earning money from this is also a local scout leader. He is much in demand telling the story of his bid to be as self-sufficient as possible in food by preserving as much as possible. Via his powerpoint presentation he showed us how he achieves all of this. He has his own bespoke preserving building which he constructed himself with its own handcrafted racking. Kevin showed us how he stores harvested vegetables in sand and took us through the process of fermentation in which he makes his own elderflower champagne! Other drinks produced include beer, wine, nettle beer and of course cider. He buys in some meat and rears his own chickens and butchers and freezes the cuts and joints etc. He also freezes his own vegetable produce as well. All three of his children take part in these activities and are now all capable of preserving, preparing, and cooking food. They all, as a result, have a greater appreciation for where their meals are sourced and how precious food really is. Kevin had some of his nicely hand-crafted compost scoops, 'tool carriers', and bird feeders on display. After taking a few questions Tom took over and gave his gardening Jobs, tips and advice for June feature followed by the latest club news and notices. It was great to see Beverley Lewis our "Regal Raffler" back in action. The six prize draw was kindly then conducted by Kevin. A presentation of the RHS Banksian medal was made to club member Sian Tryner in recognition of her good works in so many ways in Alderton over many years. Next month we welcome Helen Picton from Old Court nurseries and The Picton garden. Her talk will be titled "A Gardener's Year". Thursday the 13th of July in Alderton Village Hall. 7 for a 7.30p.m start. There are 11 tickets remaining for our 2023 special guest Chris Beardshaw who is appearing at our September 14th meeting with a talk "101 plants that almost changed the world" email [email protected] to secure yours. ALDERTON ACORNS NEWS [email protected] Only a few weeks left now until the end of term and the Preschool children are making the most of the good weather with lots of fun and games outside. Thirteen children will be leaving Acorns at the end of term to move on up to Big School in September. They have already started their school visits and are getting to know their new teachers. July 23rd at 10am at the Playing Field: Alderton Acorns will be starting the summer break with a sponsored Animals Adventure Trail up Alderton Hill followed by a picnic. Find all the animals that hide in the fields around our village with a trail map then return for refreshments and an end of term picnic on the playing field. Bring your own special furry friends as well if you would like to! Sponsor forms with additional information will be available from Alderton Pre-school and Toddlers staff and from Alderton Village Shop. Open to all children interested. Registration and parental supervision throughout essential. We are now taking bookings for September so if you are thinking of joining our group please get in touch. Phone Ellie on 07842 161159 (term time only) or email [email protected] VILLAGE HALL NEWS Back by very popular demand! Our last Canine Coffee morning proved to be THE social event in March for our canine friends! Alderton Village Hall next Saturday 1st July from 10 till 12 will once again be the place to enjoy delicious Alderton baked cakes and pots of tea and cafetières of coffee. Everyone welcome, with and without dogs, we just ask that all dogs are kept on leads in the village hall for everyone’s enjoyment. Homemade, healthy doggie treats are also on sale for your four legged friend to eat in or take away. All proceeds go to much needed Village Hall funds. See you all then! [email protected] [email protected] A coffee morning is held on the first Saturday of every month and help is always needed at 9am to put up tables and 12 to put them away! Free cake in return for your kindness. ALDERTON VILLAGE STORE Yari 01242 620201 Fresh strawberries and tomatoes available now! ST MARGARET’S CHURCH Art Exhibition and Sale and Flower Festival: this will be on Saturday July 29th 10am to 4pm. The Art Exhibition will be in the Village Hall and will feature the work of local Artists. The paintings will be for sale so do bring some cash or a cheque book with you! The Flower Festival will be in Church and has the exciting theme of Alice in Wonderland. We will be serving refreshments in the Churchyard all day and there will be Pimms and other drinks available to celebrate summer! A SumUp machine will be available to use here in the Churchyard. The money raised will be for the upkeep of the Church. So it will be really lovely to see you at this special event. Calling all youngsters. Can you create a Garden in a Teacup for the Flower Festival at Alderton Church on Saturday 29th July? The theme is Alice in Wonderland so you can really let your imagination run wild. Think Mad Hatters Tea Party, Cheshire Cat, The Queen of Hearts, White Rabbit etc. Prizes will be awarded in two age groups, 7 years and under, and 8 to 11 years. Bring your Teacup creations along to the church anytime on Friday 28th July or before 10am on the Saturday morning. Please leave them on the pew inside the church ready to be placed in position. Don’t forget to add your name so we know who has won. We are also running a competition for the best flower picture or painting. Same age groups as above. Prizes for best entry. Why not see what beautiful flowers are in your garden. All pictures will be displayed at the Art Exhibition in the Village Hall on 29th July. Contact Sian on 07790 342157 for help or more information about either competition. GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS Karen Cox 01242 620633 Many thanks to all who came to support the June events in Great Washbourne. The Tea for Trussell / coffee morning raised an excellent £300 which went directly to Trussell Trust which is the British charity based in Salisbury that runs the national network of food banks, including the North Cotswold Foodbank that we support locally. The GW Summer Supper raised a marvellous £1240 which will help to support our local historic church. It was a lovely warm evening and we were well entertained by horse racing and lovely music. Many thanks to Neville and Jane Kent for hosting us yet again and to all who came to support and help. As the eagle eyed among you may have spotted, we have had work done very recently to repair some sections of the church roof, so any fund raising monies are most welcome. The Cafe church was enjoyable and raised £90 for Winston’s wish, a charity that helps children, teenagers and young adults find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief. ALDERTON VILLAGE PRODUCE AND CRAFT SHOW The show schedule is nearly ready. There are lots of different classes for everyone to enjoy and get involved in, including Fruit and Veg growing, Flower displays, Art and Craft, Baking and Making, and fun junior classes. New for this year is a young person’s category up to the age of 16. Or in the spirit of recycling and reusing, how about entering the ‘something new from something old’ category. Remember, It’s all for fun! For more details, contact Sian Tryner on 620906/07790 342157 [email protected] ALDERTON 5K RUN, SAT 16TH SEPTEMBER 2023, 11AM START Alderton's fast, flat (ish!) and super-friendly run this year will raise around £1,500 for Alderton Acorns. The course is ideal for clocking a good time and we welcome all runners from complete beginners to experienced club runners. Find out more and enter online at 3. CLUBS/CLASSES ALDERTON GOLF Alderton Golf has four events a year, one for each season and we take turns in helping to organise. Its spring outing in April was at Stinchcombe Hill Golf Club followed by a meal and prize giving at the Gardeners Arms. Twelve played and congratulations to clear winner Simon Finch. The next outing will be on Fri July 7th at the Vale Golf Club Evesham. Again, followed by a meal at the Gardeners Arms. Our society is for Alderton and nearby golfers of any gender and ability. Although prizes are awarded, the real aim is social and sporting fun. To play in the next event or to keep informed of future outings contact: Brian Spence [email protected] 07769182307 §Mansel Healy [email protected] Nigel Roe 07762735165 ALDERTON WANDERERS CRICKET CLUB Alderton has a prospering cricket club. We are a Wanderers team playing all away games in the local area. Our matches are in the 20/20 format and take place on a Wednesday from May-July (occasional game in Aug/Sept), add on a few socials and even the odd tour. Just to clarify, we always play to win but we also consider ourselves a social team where ability/capability/skill/talent take 2nd place to the enjoyment of getting involved. If it was any other way most of the current squad would never get selected!!!! Anyone interested just email me: [email protected] PILATES Tina at [email protected] 07376051863 Mixed ability Pilates/Conditioning class. 6-7pm Fridays. Alderton Village Hall. 4. FURTHER AFIELD OVERBURY CRICKET CLUB Rob Hayden 07527 340320 [email protected] Overbury Cricket Club are looking for new senior and junior players of all abilities. Indoor preseason nets start soon at Winchcombe. Sundays 1pm to 3pm for juniors. Tuesdays 8pm to 9.30pm. First session free for new players. Men, Women, boys, girls all welcome. We run a league Saturday team, a midweek and Sunday friendly team. We also have a thriving junior section, with U11, U13 and U15 teams. TAI CHI. Olly 0750 8686315 Classes available in Winchcombe and surrounding areas. New beginners group on Tuesdays. EVESHAM BAT CARE I just want to thank everyone once again for their donations of oral care items and stamps. The first baby bats of the year came into care yesterday, so we're all currently busy on four-hour milk feeds, and the funds will be gratefully used to keep us topped up with milk supplies. If you have any more items to donate the white box is around the side of 12 Orchard Road, under the car port. Bat Walk, Alderton, Sat Auh 26th 2023, 21:00 We are holding a number of bat walks this summer, Including one in Alderton on Saturday 29th July, one in Pershore on Friday 25th August and one in Evesham on Saturday 26th August. The Alderton bat walk will meet at 21:00 (9pm) in the churchyard, the one in Pershore will meet at 21:10 (8:10pm) at the moon goddess (jammy dodger) stone of Pershore Abbey and the one in Evesham will meet at the same time at the bench nearest the bell tower in Evesham Abbey Park. Families and dogs on leads are welcome. We will supply bat detectors, though if you have your own you're welcome to bring it, so the only kit you will need is appropriate clothing and a torch for when it gets dark. There is a suggested donation of £5, with all proceeds going to Evesham Bat Care. Any enquiries please email [email protected]. We hope to see you at one of these events. Thank You Aimmie Woodman, Evesham Bat Care WHAT’S ON FURTHER AFIELD
5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/MISC PUT YOUR STUFF ON THE PAVEMENT DAY – SAT 8TH JULY 20233 Our next decluttering day is happening on Saturday 8 July with 15th July as backup in case of rain. It's easy to take part and no money is involved. Simply put any items that you would like to give away outside your house between 10am and 3pm on 8 July. Hopefully your neighbours may give them a new home. After 3pm please take any items that are left back into your home. Looking forward to seeing lots of pavement bounty on the day! If you have any questions please contact Moira - [email protected] UKRAINE AID Sonya McCormick-Piechowiak I have been collecting Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine since the War began and continue to do so. Firstly, a big thank you for the support from this village which has been momentous. I collect in my garage at my home on Dibden Lane, my number is 07880 808943 if you want to contact me. Every couple of weeks, or whenever I get a carload, I deliver to Lorraine Staniek at Bourton Vale Equine Clinic, where lorries load up and depart for Poland and onwards to Ukraine. We supply orphanages, refugees, displaced people, hospitals and soldiers, in conjunction with Cotswold Rotary Clubs and into Ukraine. Items always needed:
Thank you again for all the kindness so far, this makes a huge difference and is keeping people alive ....and helping the people of Ukraine to survive this. ALDERTON RUNNERS IN GREAT NORTH RUN Karen and Steve Bowles are participating in the 2023 Great North Run on 10th September raising money for the Sue Ryder Hospice charity. To donate text Steve or use his Facebook page GREATNORTHRUN2023.ENTHUSE.COM Steve says he’ll add more to the next newsletter! ALDERTON NEWSLETTER Alderton Newsletter has a new email address for you to send your contributions. It is [email protected] Next newsletter deadline 25th July Comments are closed.