Alderton Village Newsletter - March 2024Note from Editor: I think my favourite Spring sight is lambs in the fields around the village. Don’t forget Cheltenham Festival races are quite early this year, so prepare for traffic issues in the week beginning 12th March. Hopefully the daffodils will last, although I’ve heard there might be snow coming? Also don’t forget Mother’s Day on 10th! Mary Merheim You can receive this, and all future newsletters via email by signing up here: 1. ALDERTON PARISH COUNCIL NEWSPROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENTS Land West of Willow Bank Road [ 48 houses] Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [48 houses] No further news . PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT - Land South of Dibden Lane [ 26 affordable houses] The Parish Council is getting some specialist advice on highway issues associated with this proposal. CALA 2 – the Parish Council has been expressing concerns about the black and white boundary bollards but without success. 24/0000102/FUL – 16 Beckford Road, conversion of existing garage into living space OLD VILLAGE STORE ON THE ALLOTMENTS The Council is getting quotes for the repair of this heritage structure. The intention would be to use it for community and educational events. DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STRATEGIC PLAN Cheltenham Borough Council, Gloucester City Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council are consulting on a new Strategic and Local Plan (SLP). The SLP will cover the three council areas and “ provide a new plan to deliver growth, manage development and protect our unique historic and natural environment.” We are coming to an end of a consultative phase lasting until 12 March. The website is SLP website and it is understood a number of villagers have made comments. More are welcome. The Parish Council is making a comprehensive input and a copy will be available to view on the Parish Council website. DEFIBRILLATOR The Council are applying for a grant to partially fund the installation of a second defibrillator in the village at the Playing Field. The first is in the Cambridge Square phone box. Consideration may be given to a third at the southern end of the village if this is feasible. BUDGET 2024/25 A draft budget was agreed and will be on the website in due course. PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING A note for your diary, this will be held on Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 7pm in the Village Hall. Refreshments will be provided. All enquiries/ correspondence to the Parish Council should be sent to [email protected]. Documents relating to the Parish Council can be viewed on NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING at 7pm, 19 March 2024 in the Village Hall. 2. ALDERTON & GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWSWelcome to new residents, wherever you live in the village! This newsletter is published monthly and tells you what’s going on. The village website is at and on Facebook at We also have various WhatsApp groups:
To join the first two message Mark on 07973 963539 or email [email protected]. To join the chat and women’s group message Mary on 07826 019476 GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS Karen Cox / 01242 620633 Some dates to put in your diary, with more details to follow: FAMILY FUN QUIZ - Saturday 27th April, 6.30pm in St Mary’s church ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING - Monday 29th April, 7.30pm in St Mary’s church SUMMER SUPPER - Friday 27th June, 6.30pm VILLAGE HALL NEWS [email protected] / [email protected] The Village Hall Committee have been working very hard behind the scenes on some projects that we are excited to be able to share with you. NEW VILLAGE HALL WEBSITE Firstly, in conjunction with villager Jem Westgate, we have built and launched a dedicated Village Hall website and Facebook page. This will allow us to keep you up to speed on events that are being held at the Hall, give potential hirers a wealth of information about our facilities, and allows users to book and pay for Hall hire online. The site can be accessed at: VILLAGE HALL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Secondly, we are delighted to announce that we are working on a Village Hall Redevelopment Project. The first steps of this were started a few years ago, then stalled due to the Pandemic, but we have recently been able to gain some traction again and make progress. So, if you’ve been wondering what we’ve been doing with the results of the Survey we asked you to complete in 2022, read on! Our thanks go to the Parish Council, who recently agreed to our proposal to use some of the CIL monies from recent developments to fund the first wave of the Redevelopment Project. We have engaged an Architect from Sutton Cox with a proven track record in this field to help guide us through the process and generate ideas for a modernised facility that better serves the need of the existing community. Thanks to all of you who filled out the survey and gave us your thoughts and ideas for what you’d like to see done with the Hall, this information has been invaluable in shaping the Brief to the architect. There is a dedicated page on the website where we will endeavour to keep you up to date with what is happening with the project, and in the near future we will be inviting you all to the Hall to discuss the design solution and give your feedback. The foundations of the Hall, both literally and metaphorically, are steeped in Village history, and the facility exists for all of us, the Community, so do please continue to engage with us and help us shape a Hall for the future. GARDENING CLUB NEWS Phil Kitson/Tom Cullimore In February we welcomed Hidcote Manor's Head Gardener Lottie Allen. Lottie has held the Hidcote job for over three years now, moving there from a post at St Michael's Mount in Cornwall. We learned about the remarkable story of Major Laurence Johnston who purchased the manor in the early 20th Century. He bequeathed Hidcote to the National Trust in 1948 and his garden has been in their care ever since. Lottie took us through a year in the life of the gardens describing many of Hidcote's main attractions. There were some stunning views of the borders and their planting schemes, as well as the many trees, walkways, vistas, water features and topiaries. There is a huge amount of maintenance requirements (especially hedge cutting) and Lottie has 14 full time gardeners and 35 volunteers under her stewardship. She took us through some of the restoration work involved with some ancient yew topiaries and holm oak trees which was fascinating with before and after views. All the garden machinery is now battery powered at Hidcote and the greenhouses have recently been converted from oil fired to electric heating. The talk was rounded off with a superb video featuring Lottie describing the garden and some of the features and recent works completed there. A rousing round of applause followed with our guest answering several questions from our audience. Lottie then took a break with Tom doing his popular "jobs & tips for the month" feature. This time with a feature on rose pruning. Some club notices followed and then the ever popular raffle drawn by Lottie with eight splendid prizes. It was a great evening where we learned more about one of Britain's great gardens, its history and the ongoing maintenance programme required to keep it developing and in tip top condition. Tickets are available for Christine Walkden on June 13th by emailing [email protected] The date for the AGM is the 7th of March at 7pm in Alderton Village Hall. Members only can attend. Next Month on March the 14th we welcome Paul Green for a talk titled "it’s not all about flowers". Plants and Shrubs will be on sale afterwards. Alderton Village Hall with doors opening at 7p.m for a 7.30p.m start £3 members, £6 non-members OAK HILL CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Well, what a busy few weeks in these short terms – not one, but two oracy competitions, swimming gala success and a maths competition to boot - we have had a successful couple of weeks! Our academisation is steaming ahead and we are due to “move” to the Primary QuEST MAT in early May. We have had visitors from NatWest for a MoneySense talk and bikeability from Move More Gymnastics. OAK HILL SCHOOL EASTER FAIR We are looking forward to hosting our first Easter fair on 19th March – it will follow the Easter Service. We are seeking some raffle prize donations from our wider community – we are so blessed with a wealth of talented people within our community – please get in touch with the office to donate. More importantly, please come along! ST MARGARET'S CHURCH MOTHERING SUNDAY Mothering Sunday is on March 10th at 10.30am. This will be an informal relaxed Café Church service in the Church at Alderton. We welcome people young and old to join us where there will be small bunches of flowers handed out and after the short service, there will be drinks and cakes. We hope to see you there! EASTER SUNDAY Easter Sunday is on March 31st and to enable all four Churches to have a service, our one in Alderton will be at 9.30am. Beware - this is when we move to British Summer Time! The Church will be decorated with many flowers so do call in and have a look. IN MEMORY If you would like to have a hymn book labelled in memory of someone you have loved and lost and make a donation, please contact Helen West – 620587 or [email protected] CHURCHYARD TIDY UP Churchyard tidy up is planned for Saturday March 16th starting at 10.00am. We would love to have help with this to ensure that our Churchyard is an attractive and tidy place to be and enjoy. It has even been positively mentioned in a national newspaper! By taking care of the Churchyard and planting primroses, cowslips and wild flower seeds, it is making it a very attractive area. The more the merrier and we will even provide a drink and biscuits! THE GARDENERS ARMS Book now for Mother’s Day – see attached – using our regular Sunday menu CHELTENHAM FESTIVAL, RACE WEEK PLANS: Open Tuesday to Thursday from 9am for breakfast Open Friday and Saturday from 8am for breakfast Kings of the Hill band are playing LIVE in the evenings on Tuesday 12th March and Friday 15th March EASTER SUNDAY Bookings now open for Easter Sunday 31st March 2024 WHAT’S ON Happy hour - 5pm – 7pm Monday to Friday - £1 off all draught Early bird – 5pm – 6pm discounts off mains (must be sat down and ordered by 6pm, not to be used with any other food offer or set menu) Thursday and Friday – buy two large glasses of wine and get the rest of the bottle free! Kids eat free on Saturday’s – get a kids main free with every adult main meal Roasts served every Sunday from 12pm – 7pm Breakfast served from 8am and all day every Friday and Saturday 3. CLUBS/CLASSESBOOK CLUB Next meeting at The Gardeners Arms on Tuesday 2nd April. Books to be discussed are Tin Man by Sarah Winman and Memory Man by David Baldacci. OVERBURY BOWLS 4. WHAT'S ON?8th – 10th Craft Festival, Cheltenham Town Hall 9th Activities for Mother’s Day at Gloucester Cathedral 12th – 15th Cheltenham Festival Races 12th – 17th Shrek the Musical at The Everyman, Cheltenham 19th Sudeley Castle reopens 21st - 30th A Midsummer Night’s Dream at The Everyman, Cheltenham 28th Countrytastic, Malvern Showground 26th – 28th Robin Hood Panto at The Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury Alderton Newsletter has a new email address for you to send your contributions. It is [email protected]
Next newsletter deadline 25/03/24 Comments are closed.
February 2025