Alderton Village Newsletter - November 2022 - No. 498NEWSLETTER MAY STOP! No volunteers have come forward to take over running the newsletter so there is a real possibility that it will stop. There are a number of roles associated with getting the newsletter produced and delivered. Firstly, we have a continuing team of dedicated volunteers who distribute to all households. We then have Caroline who receives contributions and puts the newsletter together – this is a few hours per month – and another few hours from John who does the printing. There is a reasonably modern and quick printer available. It is the editing and printing roles where we need new volunteers. If anyone would like to discuss taking over one or both tasks please ring, Caroline, on 01242 620630. The newsletter is an independent publication which has been running for 42 years and is delivered to EVERY house. New social media outlets provide a welcome source for village news but not everyone has access to it and those who do, say they still welcome a printed update of village news on a monthly basis. Sending electronically has many difficulties particularly given GDPR rules. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land South of Beckford Road [35 houses] HARD TO BELIEVE BUT THERE IS YET ANOTHER PLANNING APPLICATION IN PREPARATION – THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT OF AROUND 35 DWELLINGS ON LAND SOUTH OF BECKFORD ROAD [ behind the Charles Church development]. No doubt more news on this will be communicated to villagers in due course. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS continued... PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land West of Willow Bank Road [56 houses] Thanks to villagers who have commented on this so far. Whilst the announced date for comment was 25 October there is not as yet a final deadline and further comments are encouraged. It is important that your views are known. How to make your comments:
PROPOSED NEW DEVELOPMENT – Land East of St Margaret’s Drive [ 48 houses] On the Planning website there is now a revision to this proposal with the number of houses reduced marginally from 55 to 48. This remains, however, a very substantial development. We are awaiting a date when this will go to Tewkesbury Borough Planning Committee. NOTE THAT TAKEN TOGETHER THIS REPRESENTS 139 NEW HOUSES ON TOP OF THE 75 NEW HOMES ALREADY BUILT AND THE 28 BEING BUILT. THAT IS 242 HOUSES IN A VILLAGE THAT HAD 277 DWELLINGS. This means that the village would virtually double in size if all these applications were approved. Maps of the three current proposals will be put on noticeboards, so villagers can see the extent of possible change and expansion. The November Parish Council Meeting will be held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 15 November at 7pm Clerk Ruth Waller [email protected] The following Planning Applications have been Permitted 22/00574/FUL 7 School Road Alderton Erection of a replacement porch and single storey rear extension. 22/00412/FUL 2 Church Road Demolition of conservatory, bay window, and workshop. Erection of single storey rear extension and alterations. 22/00620/FUL 48 Willow Bank Road Demolition of existing single storey extensions. Erection of two storey side & rear extension & single storey side extension. Rendering of existing property VILLAGE NEWS THANK YOU: Alan and Trisha Mills would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who contributed to the coffee morning held in memory of our mum Angela O’Brien. It was lovely to see so many people at the Village Hall. We also appreciated the donations of those who were for whatever reason were unable to attend. We raised the amazing amount of £450 for the staff at the CATU ward at Tewkesbury Hospital. CHURCH NEWS Remembrance Sunday: on Sunday 13th November at 10.50am at the War Memorial to remember all those people who have fought to protect the United Kingdom over the decades. This will be a short gathering with the laying of the wreath which will be followed by a service in Church. We look forward to seeing you at this special service. Calendars: don’t forget to buy your Alderton Calendar created by Will and Sarah Hughes. There are a great range of photos of different aspects of Alderton life and will make lovely Christmas presents. They are A4 size so easy to post and cost £10. They are available from Will and Sarah 07989 048123 or Helen West 07941 373030. Food Bank thank you to everyone who donated items at Harvest to the food bank - from the school children, Yari’s shop and at Church. We had a lovely letter from them and all together the donated weight was 90kg which they said was a fantastic amount. Christmas Fair The annual Christmas Fair will be held on 10th December, 2.00 p.m -4.00 p.m. in the Village Hall. Attractions will include the following: A Grand Raffle (tickets on sale prior to the event). Cake stall, Tombola, Delicatessen, Jams & Preserves & a Gift Stall, amongst others. Delicious refreshments will be available. Of course, Father Christmas will be there. Up until 3rd December, good quality items for the Gift Stall will be gratefully received by Sandy Keys, 11 Ellenor Drive. The Christmas Raffle will be drawn at 4pm on the day of the Christmas Fair. If you would like to donate any raffle prizes/gifts these would be gratefully received. Please drop them off at Nicki and Sheila’s at 10 Church Road, who are organizing the raffle prizes for the draw or arrange for collection by calling them on 01242 620960. Christmas 2022: charity Christmas cards will be on sale again in the village during November. You can buy/order RSPB cards from David Cramp in Ellenor Drive [email David @ djcramp@btinternet,com to arrange] or purchase recycled cards in aid of the Cobalt Medical Imaging Centre in Cheltenham from Ros Smith 7 Church Road [01242 620560]. Don't delay - early birds get the best choice! VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS & CLUBS ALDERTON GARDENING CLUB Three years after she last talk to us, Fiona Warin returned to give her follow up to "The Land girls"..."Dig for Victory" Fiona lives in Stroud and is the Allotment officer for Cheltenham Borough Council and has been speaking to gardening clubs, women's institutes and rotary clubs etc for a good number of years now. Just as she did with her previous talk, Fiona asked us all to imagine that it was 1939 and took us through the initial start of the “grow your own" campaign. This was a truly vital part of the war effort as Britain imported a huge amount of food from all over the world. With the U boats sinking lots of shipping, food shortages were a real possibility. If Britons had not taken up growing fruit and vegetables, the nation could have been forced into surrendering through mass starvation. Fiona talked about the different aspects of the Dig for Victory campaign and how it developed and improved as each year ticked by. Collecting manure, saving seeds and cutting seed potatoes up to increase their numbers for planting, demonstrated how resourceful everyone just had to be. Huge amounts of extra land were brought into cultivation including sports fields, parks and even domestic garden lawns. Rabbits, Chickens and even pigs were kept increasing meat availability. Fiona also mentioned some of the deadly cocktails of chemicals which were used to deal with pests and diseases, all now banned of course. Our speaker is an old-style performer using scripts and visual aids rather than the usual powerpoint style projection to deliver her talk. As with her previous presentation about the Land Girls there was a huge amount of audience participation and laughter. All in all, it was another fabulous evening of entertainment, and a reminder of when the nation with its back to the wall rose to the challenge of growing far more of its own food. Following a big round of applause for Fiona, Chairman Tom talked about gardening jobs to do in the next month including hardwood cuttings, sowing sweet peas and autumn rose care. He then went on to give out some club notices. Bookings with the £22 for the trip to Wisley on June the 17th will be taken at the November meeting onwards to members. Also, Tickets for an evening with Chris Beardshaw in September will be available to members who renew their membership or join the club in January 2023. For a period of 8 weeks, members will have the first opportunity to purchase these before they go on general sale to non-members. Three varieties of Daffodil bulbs were on sale at the meeting at bargain prices and sold very well. Our guest Fiona then drew the 6 prize raffle and was thanked for her appearance and applauded by the audience numbering 45. Our Next meeting at The Village Hall is on Thursday November the 10th, 7 for a 7p.m start We will welcome the return of Julie Ritchie from The Hoo House Nursery near Tewkesbury. She will deliver a talk entitled "Winter into Spring" and she will be bringing a stock of plants for sale on the evening. Tulip bulbs will be available to buy from the club as well. We hope to see you there! VILLAGE HALL NEWS Saturday November 5th, 10-12, will be a coffee morning with the added attraction of a raffle and an indoor car boot sale. Tables £5 each. If you are interested in having a table, contact Judith on 07837 402692 ALDERTON CHARITY FOOTBALL 2022 - MARRIED V SINGLES - TUES DECEMBER 27TH, 11AM KICK OFF. Alderton's Charity Football is back. The quality of the football isn't great but the fundraising is - over the years the matches have raised over £20,000 for local and national charities. This year we asked for your charity nominations and after 77 votes the winner is the Friends of Oak Hill School with 43% of the vote. At the heart of our community, it’s been a big (and expensive!) year for Oak Hill as they’ve moved to the Alderton base and the Friends of Oak Hill provide the young people with much needed additional support and materials. We look forward to a bumper fundraising year with their support! ALDERTON HANDBELL RINGERS’ ASSOCIATION The group was formed over 30 years ago using the 8 original handbells belonging to the village. Over the years we have been able to increase the number of bells we use to 25 bells, a 2-octave range. This has enabled us to play a wide range of music from Christmas carols, classical and traditional. We have rung at many village events, most recently at the Platinum Jubilee celebrations and hope to keep this village tradition going. We need a minimum of 6 people to ring and more to ring the slightly more complicated music. Our current group has been together for many years and 1 or 2 will be leaving us shortly. To keep the group going we would like to recruit more villagers/locals to join us. You do not have to read music; we use a numerical system and as long as you can count, we will be able to get you going. It would be great to meet anyone who is interested in joining us – perhaps there are 1 or 2 friends out there who would like to give it a go together. We try and get together once a week in the evening if we are practising for a particular event, it is all very informal and nearly always ends up with a glass of wine/coffee and a natter afterwards. Interested?? Please contact any of the following Liz Rea, our Chair 01242 620750; Kaye Hunt, our Treasurer 01242 620539 or me Ellie Chandler, Secretary 01242 620535. ALDERTON GOLF Congratulations to Peter Woolfrey for winning the Alderton Residents Golf Trophy at our outing to Bidford Grange golf club on 7th Oct. A close-run thing with Nick Andrews and Simon Finch not far behind. A period of heavy rain added to the challenge, but the event and meal organised by David Shuffleton, was hugely enjoyed by all 12 (men and ladies) Next event provisional planned for Fri Dec 3rd - 9 holes at Tewkesbury Park followed by meal at the Gardeners Arms. The organiser this time will be Nigel Sissons. As always the aim will be sporting and social fun. To join our society, which is open to all Alderton and district golfers of all standards and genders, contact Nigel Roe on :-07762735165 Email [email protected] or Brian Spence07786182307 Email [email protected] OAK HILL CE PRIMARY SCHOOL [email protected] We have had a really wonderful start to the academic year. The decision to move from two sites to one in Alderton has been really positive and staff and pupils have really enjoyed settling into the new classrooms. Our breakfast and afterschool clubs have been really successful. Parents can book children in from 7.45am and collect at 5.30pm. Please contact us if you would like further details. The children worked hard to learn songs, create artwork and prayers for our Harvest Festival which we held at St Margaret’s Church and parents really enjoyed coming along to watch. Reception, Year 1 and 2 have been working hard practicing handwriting and using new resources for role play. Our Year 3 and 4 Class have also worked hard with their writing, producing some fabulous descriptive work and have produced some wonderful weaving in their art lessons. One of the highlights of our school year is the residential visit to Devon which Year 5 and 6 went on during the first week of October. The children went cycling, canoeing, rock scrambling, walking, abseiling and surfing! They had a brilliant time and staff were very proud of them all. Work to the school premises continues with more to be completed during half term. Doors from the Reception, Year 1 and 2 classrooms are being installed which will provide access to their outdoor space. If you would like to visit the school, please do not hesitate to contact us. FRIENDS OF OAK HILL SCHOOL FOOHs are delighted to be holding two Christmas wreath making workshops with all profits going towards funding non-essential resources for the children at Oak Hill School. Choose from 7pm on Thursday 1st December or 10am on Saturday 3rd December. Hoops and locally foraged foliage will be provided but please bring any of your own dried or fresh items that you'd like to include and ribbon if you'd like to use it. Please also bring secateurs. Tickets £20 to include festive refreshments. Location is the school hall in Alderton. Buy tickets at or email [email protected] We are also offering villagers the opportunity to be part of our Bonus Ball scheme. If you’re not yet familiar with the club, here’s how it works: Pick an available number from the list and – if it comes up as the bonus ball number in the National Lottery’s Lotto draw each Saturday – you’ll win £10. Your support is so important to our lovely village school. All the funds go towards creating a wonderful learning environment for everyone at Oak Hill and providing educational resources and experiences for all the children. Again, please email f[email protected] to choose your number and sign up. NEWS FROM AROUND THE AREA GREAT WASHBOURNE NEWS Thank you to all who supported the MacMillan Coffee Morning, a grand total of just over £200 was made, an excellent result. We look forward to seeing you at Café Church on Sunday 30th October at 10.30am where the theme is 'All Saints'. Carol Singing will take place at the church on Monday 19th December, an informal evening including the blessing of the crib, mince pies and mulled wine. All are welcome. We usually collect for the North Cotswolds Food Bank at this evening, but they need produce for their Christmas Hampers by 30th November. A box will be left in the church door from Friday 18th November until the evening of Sunday 27th November for any contributions. The collection at the Carol Singing will be donated to Sue Ryder. BECKFORD COLLECTIVE: can be found in the courtyard behind The Old Post Office coffee shop in Beckford. What could be better than having a cup of delicious coffee with amazing cake followed by a browse in the collective of handmade craft gifts, all made by local artisans including our very own Alderton! Original paintings, cards, candles, children’s clothes, wax melts, there are even gifts for your pets! The collective is open Wednesday to Sunday, from 10am to 3pm so do pop along to say hello and enjoy a browse and even start that Christmas shopping NEXT NEWSLETTER Deadline for copy is Friday 25th November 2022. All items must have Name & Tel No. of sender. Our e-mail address is: [email protected] or deliver to Caroline Page, Corner Cottage, Stow Road. The newsletter is also available at
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